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synchronization finished, status: failed, INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT Windows 7 pro desktop

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I cannot Sync Evernote. it worked fone for about a year.


Here's a bit of the log:


07:35:25 [7516] Client synchronization finished, status: failed
07:35:25 [7516] * error: Could not connect to Evernote service
07:35:25 [7516] * elapsed time: 0s
07:37:17 [7368] Announcements feed download failed, error=INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT
07:37:17 [7368] * statusCode=0
07:37:17 [7368] * statusText=
07:39:17 [7368] Announcements feed download failed, 
I have windows 7 pro on my desktop and well connected to the internet, wired in. I have another computer that is exactly the same at my office.  EXACTLY the same and evernote works fine there as well as on my android phone. I have gone through all the steps:
Try restarting your computer or device -
Upgrade to the latest version of Evernote
Search for error messages  

I admidt I did see another topic here with 5 pages and 83 replies, and could not find a solution in that topic. (perhaps it is well hidden in those replies) Plus it was jumbled with multiple operating systems and varying problems so....


Can anyone please help?

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