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Recommended "Power saver" mode for heavy EverNote users - Stylus and bluetooth keyboards

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Dear EverNoters,

I am a long-time heavy Evernote user.

I use it at work as my Notebook on my Samsung galaxy Note 8.0

I use the stylus with the note's superb handwriting recognition.

The main problem is the power drainage due to the screen on feature.


My suggestion:

Keep the lock prevention function on 

and add the power saving feature:

  • after few seconds (2-10) of inactivity turn the screen off - but directly and not by locking the screen
  • revoke in case of touchscreen activity (for the stylus I believe there is also a proximity event)  or Bluetooth keyboard input
  • allow leaving the screen on using proximity, screen touching or by pressing the shift key in the  Bluetooth keyboard

You can market that as an ultra power saving function (since the screen off is even quicker than system screen off function)

If you do this EN will be perfect for me!!!!



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