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  • Level 5*

This is a user forum. If you want help with Evernote, then ask your question here, with specifics about what you're trying to accomplish, what Evernote client you are dealing with (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, web, etc.). Someone in the forum will usually respond. If you need help with Evernote, and get it, then that may also be helpful to other users.



p.s.: Posting your email in the forum is a bad idea. Say hello to spammers.

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It's amazing how when someone asks specific questions in the forum, users will wildly and enthusiastically go above and beyond. It's almost too good to be true. I think the OP deserves a "Welcome to the forums... feel free to look around." I'd be interested to know if there were any takers who jumped at the opportunity to email: "Um... hi! I'm from the Evernote forum... How can I help you?"

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  • Level 5*

We used to start emails with "Hi - welcome to the forums...  etc."  but after you've started the first 1,000 posts or so that way,  it kinda gets old..  besides,  a lot of folks hit the ground here moaning at full volume and I don't necessarily feel that warm and fuzzy after reading their stuff...especially when they clearly don't know whereof they speak.



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  • Level 5*

It's amazing how when someone asks specific questions in the forum, users will wildly and enthusiastically go above and beyond. 

Too true. I don't want to guess at what people want, though I will make a certain amount of effort to try to figure it out. But I'm committed to the forums: ask for help in the forums, and any help I think that I can provide will be... in the forums.

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