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I am using webclipper and taking snapshots of books covers. Then I give a name for that note for example : "advice". After a while i use webclipper again to take another snapshot of a different book cover .and i also give the same note name "Advice". İn my desktop edition i find these notes and collect these notes named as "Advice" together as one note. 

I want webclipper do this work for me. For Example when I create two notes named as same ,webclipper or desktop edition unite these two notes as one note...


Is there any solution for this problem ?







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  • Level 5*

Why merge all the notes?  If you save a search for 'advice' you can see all the notes together at any time you wish.  Evernote can't do the job for you - it might be possible to script something in your OS or use AHK (Auto Hot Key) to help merge notes,  but that's outside the scope of this forum.

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