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(Archived) Evernote for Android 1.1B2

Philip Constantinou

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You should be able to edit notes that were created on the phone, but rich text notes from other sources can't be safely edited in the plaintext editor on the device.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I cannot edit notes on my phone, even if they were created on the phone itself. Once a note that was created on the phone has been saved and uploaded to the web, it becomes read-only. This was the case on my Sprint HTC Hero with Evernote 1.1B1 and is still the case with the newly installed 1.1B2. (I uninstalled 1.1B1 before installing 1.1B2, if that's important.) When I reopen a note that was just created on the phone, the only choices present in the Menu are 'Email note' and 'Note info'. I've also tried long-pressing, double-tapping the note, etc.


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Hey everyone, I have a problem when I try to access a note. When I search for notes a get a list of thumbnails, but when I click on any of them I get a browser window with a 403 error. I'm on HTC Hero. Does anyone have similar problems or am I the only one. I upgraded from B1 afaik.

Cheers, Puco

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Hey folks -

Thanks for the report.

Regarding note editing: once we moved to an all native client we lost the ability to edit notes. This is of course temporary. We'll be adding it back as soon as we can. Hopefully in the next release.

Regarding the 403: Great catch. To fix it you probably only need to log out and log back in but we'll make sure we fix that soon.

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Regarding note editing: once we moved to an all native client we lost the ability to edit notes. This is of course temporary. We'll be adding it back as soon as we can. Hopefully in the next release.

Excellent...thanks for the update!

Regarding the 403: Great catch. To fix it you probably only need to log out and log back in but we'll make sure we fix that soon.

Actually, I tried logging out and back in, as well as deleting cache within the 'Manage Applications' section of the Hero's main Settings menu before uninstalling/reinstalling.


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Regarding note editing: once we moved to an all native client we lost the ability to edit notes. This is of course temporary. We'll be adding it back as soon as we can. Hopefully in the next release.

Will there eventually be support for editing notes not created on the phone?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a very different issue.

I can see the thumbnail for a note I put together, but when I select the note it just shows the outlines of the images that were included in the note, without the images themselves.

Is there a size or resolution limitation?

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