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Feature request: Evernote Work Chat / business card integration

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Just downloaded OS X Yosemite and it's got me thinking all kinds of futuristic stuff...


In the name of evernote replacing email, here's a proposal:


Give users the ability to add their personal Evernote WORK CHAT info on their business cards in the form of a small evernote logo (just like the one on your cell phone).  Then, they could remove their email address from their business cards.

Here's a way evernote might achieve this: Strike a co-branding deal w/ moo.com or another modernly relevant biz card company and give users the ability to add evernote's green elephant icon to their business card orders.  Encrypted within the green elephant logo will be your evernote details ... so when another person you give your biz card to uses their evernote camera to snap a pic of your biz card, your evernote details are captured in their account and in turn, you are automatically added to their WORK CHAT friends list.  Then, they can send you documents via work chat or request documents from you.


This is absolutely something I'd use.  Thoughts are welcome.

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  • Level 5*

Did you have a suggestion for how Evernote were going to encrypt a link of some sort into their logo?  You're proposing a whole raft of stuff that would cost a great deal to research and implement;  I don't think one extra subscription is going to be enough somehow...


There are supposed to be a raft of new ideas coming soon - there should be some networking goodies in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow - this is a really great idea - my username next to the Evernote logo is probably all you need...  not much different from my Twitter or Facebook username alongside the corresponding logo (though to be fair, the iconification of "@username" associated w one's Twitter handle is pretty impressive)


glad to know there are other zero email folks in the crowd! :)

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