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Problems sending Sharing and other emails from Evernote

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I am enjoying using Evernote and, at this point, am not a premium user.


I have tried to share a stock as well as a notebook and the emails don't seem to be sending.  EN indicates that the email was sent but they don't arrive at my colleagues inbox.  I have tried sending to my inbox (outlook) and to gmail with the same frustration.  My colleague does not have similar problems.


Am I missing a setting?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Desktop.    I am inviting by right clicking on the notebook, choosing Share Notebook and then typing the email in the box.  The challenge is that we are unable to receive the invitation.  Thank for you attention.

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  • Level 5*

Right.  Are you sending to a work email address or a private one?  The email may be hung up in the spam filter,  or you may not be quoting the correct email address in the send request - don't know of any email problems at the moment...

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