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Keyboard Shortcut for Bulletted lists? (Ctrl+Shift+B isn't working anymore because of Skitch)


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(I'm in PC version


Ctrl+Shift+B is supposed to be the shortcut for toggling bullet lists, but it isn't working for me anymore.




Instead it activates Skitch. Apparently because Skitch has the same shortcut as a global hotkey to bring up a blank canvas:



Neither of these shortcuts are customizable, as far as I know.


Anyone know of a fix for this?



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  • Level 5*

Nope, except to completely exit Skitch. Annoying, to say the least, to have an obvious conflict in two programs by the same company (different teams, of course)...

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  • Level 5*



Now, if only we could customize those keyboard shortcuts: problem solved!


Seems to me that IF an App is going to use a GLOBAL shortcut, it is just good software etiquette to allow the user to change, or even not use the shortcut.  This seems to be a problem with Skitch.  Evernote does follow this policy.

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  • Level 5*

You may want to try something called AutoHotKey.  It's a hot key scripting tool that inserts windows shortcuts and overrides existing  ones.  Don't know whether it will help in this case...

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