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Can't Share Notebook with More than 1 Person?

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I am trying to share a notebook with a couple of other Evernote users. 


I started off adding 2 emails accounts (both known Evernote users) this morning. Only the first address stuck.


Now when I try to share the only action button that comes up is the Dismiss button. I tried on the website and there is a "Done" button but nothing happens when I hit it (i.e. no email is sent out).


Screenshot attached.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Have an AWESOME day!








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  • Level 5*

Not sure what's happening here - sharing was given a shake-up recently;  free users got the same abilities as premium users to share as many notebooks as required with whatever privileges applied.  There should be no limit on the number of people you can share with,  and you should be able to share with different levels of access to more than one group.  If that's not working,  either something changed (again) - which is not excluded because Evernote had a big conference this week and released new stuff - or you have a local issue.


So let's check:  what version of Evernote are you using?  Are you a free or a premium user?  How many notebooks have you shared successfully?  If you have any other information which might help us work out why things are going wrong,  please throw that into a response...

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  As a Premium user you can use Chat help (except on weekends...) so I'd suggest reaching out to the nice folks at Support for a view.  If they tell you anything useful I'd be grateful if you'd post it here - we don't know of anything specific,  but given that the rules got a bit bent out of shape recently maybe there have been more changes...

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