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(Archived) Error: Failed to sync caches

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I have been unable to use the Evernote client for Palm pre for sometime now.

I stopped using it about a month ago because it kept timing out and was very unstable.

I saw that there was an update a couple of weeks ago and decided to give it another go.

However everytime I now attempt to login it gives me the error:

Login Error

Error: Failed To Sync Caches


I've deleted the app and reinstalled it and it is 0.1.13 I believe.

Any suggestions?


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  • 4 weeks later...

We are seeing some problems with Pre users who have particularly large accounts. Palm lowered the storage limit for applications from 5MB to 1MB a few months ago, and we're finding that limit is too small for us to store all of the information about the user's account (notebooks, tags, etc.). We're looking into options to work around this in the next release.


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We are seeing some problems with Pre users who have particularly large accounts.

I was at the application limit on my Pre (an arbitrary number that many Pre owners are running into now) and just noticed last night when I tried to install a new app. Once I realized I was at my limit I went in and deleted about 10 apps that I really don't need. Since doing that, Evernote opens fine for me.

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