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Problem with reset of Monthly Upload Allowance


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Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I hope I've posted under the correct topic.

I've never faced this problem before - as you can see in the attached picture, my monthly upload allowance hasn't reset like it should have. It's been on "0 days left" for at least 3 days now, I've tried to sync and see if that solved the problem, but it didn't help.

If it's relevant, most of my notes contain PDFs or webpage clips, and some typed out stuff. My usage this month has been a bit more than I usually go through.

I really hope this can be fixed! I completely rely on Evernote to have all my material for class in order. Thanks, everyone

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  • Level 5*

Hi - have you synced your account while the 'zero days' note has been up there?  If you have and it hasn't reset,  try checking the activity log to confirm you synced successfully,  and have a look at the Trash and any Conflicting Changes notebooks on both the web and your desktop account.  Empty the trash and fix any conflicts and sync again.  If you're still stuck,  complete a support request and post the number here - we can maybe get someone to look at it for you.

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Hey! Thanks for your response. Yes, I'd synced numerous times since "0 days" had been up, but it didn't reset. There were no conflicting changes. However yesterday, a while after making this post, I noticed a change - screenshot of which I have uploaded. As suggested, I've emptied the trash and synced again, but so far there's been no change except what I've already uploaded (on this post).

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  • Level 5*

OK - either the stuff you uploaded was way over the limit and 56.3MB has cascaded into this month,  or that's (obviously) wrong.  Check your usage on your My Account page online to confirm which.


If Evernote is making that up,  and you have no unsynced notes,  and no local (unsynced) notebooks,  and your database isn't too large I'd suggest

  • File > Exit Evernote and back up the database folder
  • rename your database EXB file to BXE
  • uninstall,  restart (the PC) and reinstall Evernote
  • Log in and wait for the database to re-download from the server
  • check your usage again...

Good luck with that..

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  • Level 5*

Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I hope I've posted under the correct topic.

I've never faced this problem before - as you can see in the attached picture, my monthly upload allowance hasn't reset like it should have. It's been on "0 days left" for at least 3 days now, I've tried to sync and see if that solved the problem, but it didn't help.

If it's relevant, most of my notes contain PDFs or webpage clips, and some typed out stuff. My usage this month has been a bit more than I usually go through.

I really hope this can be fixed! I completely rely on Evernote to have all my material for class in order. Thanks, everyone


@thatpurpleone:  you should remove your attached image of your account, or blur your username and email address for security/spam reasons.

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@JMichael - thanks a lot! I will keep your advice in mind for future posts.

@gazumped - Um. I couldn't find the database EXB file. I assume it would be in C:/Programe Files (x86)/ Evernote/ Evernote so I did a search, but nothing came up. I didn't think Evernote had like a glitch or something which would let the program upload over the limit one month and make up for it over the next cycle(s); but then I checked my usage online and it's the same (attached image). 


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  • Level 5*

OK Mr Purple (Any relation to 'As a colour, Purple?') you raise,  as they say,  an interesting point.  Your screenshot isn't quite like anything I've seen before for upload usage,  and when I looked at my own for comparison,  I got -



-and there is no way that I've used 4GB.  The display is pure nonsense.


So I flagged this post for some Admin attention,  and provided the guys aren't too tied up with the Evernote Conference we might get some more feedback soon...

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