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Shared Notebook Reminders



I'm not sure if I'm missing something, so please let me know if I need to do something differently.


  • I have a notebook named, "shared_book"
  • I have a note named "test_note" with a reminder set for a date in the future
  • I shared the note to another user who has accepted the sharing request
  • They now can view & edit notes in the shared notebook
  • On my home screen under "All Notes" where my reminders are, my "test_note" shows under the "shared_book" group.
  • On my friend's home screen however, the note does not appear under their reminders. In fact the whole notebook is not included in their reminders section.

Is their a way to have the note visible for my friend in their reminders section from the "All Notes" view or is that not a feature?


And, if it is not a feature yet, could we get it added? It seems simple enough.

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Hi.  I'm actually not sure how your Reminders are handled - whether they should be sharable with the note,  or that they're unique to your own account and someone with whom you've shared a note would need to set their own reminders which would also be unique to them.


The second option seems to be most logical - and in fact it's what you observe - so I guess this is intended behaviour.  Evernote doesn't set itself out to be a task collaboration manager,  so I don't think they'd want to change - you may have to find a work-around if you want to pass on information with linked deadlines.  The obvious one again would be to alter the creation date of a note to the due date of your action,  or to include an agreed keyword to help the recipient(s) set their own reminders.


Your answer by the way may be to look at the Business product - notes and notebooks are shared differently,  and reminders might also be inheritable...

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