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Difference Between Android and Windows 8 Evernote?


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Hello everybody.  I work for a landscaping company that is making the switch over to tablets and such now.  Let me first explain what we would like to be able to do.  We would like to be able to have a salesman go on a site, open Evernote, take a picture, speak to it to record what was discussed with on-site manager, to continute to do this around the entire site.  Then be able to create a link of the noteboook that was just created, and simply send the link to the on-site manager so he can see everything that was just discussed without him/her making an Evernote account.  This is what someone on the Android tablet created.





 However, we are unable to duplicate that on the new Windows PC/Tablet.  It doesnt allow you to speak into it using the Evernote Touch app, and the Desktop app isnt efficient when walking around on a job site, everything is too small.  So the real question is, how can we duplicate what was created in the link above, on the Windows 8 tablet?

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Yeah, i got that part down, but the audio doesn't record very well on the tablet.  That part is just a matter of finding the mic holes and talking directly into it.  I was testing in a pretty large open room, so that probably had something to do with it.


But now what about the links not being able to create what i posted above as an example?

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