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The Authenticity of a Note


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It's not uncommon where the authenticity of an idea, event or occurrence comes up in a legal setting.  With the ability to modify the created date, demonstrating the originality of an item can be questionable.



1. Is there a hard coded unchangeable time stamp on every note?

2. If the created date is changed, is the original date maintained somewhere that's accessible?




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It's not uncommon where the authenticity of an idea, event or occurrence comes up in a legal setting.  With the ability to modify the created date, demonstrating the originality of an item can be questionable.



1. Is there a hard coded unchangeable time stamp on every note?

2. If the created date is changed, is the original date maintained somewhere that's accessible?






Not to the user, even if requested by the user (and even if they had access to such a thing.)

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  • Level 5*

Phil, you are asking for something that goes beyond the interface that we all know (and love?) and into the design of the underlying database. There may well be something that is there, but being able to know that or extract the information would require an EN developer to comment on and obtain. As this is a user forum, I believe it is highly unlikely that you will get your answer in a public forum. Perhaps something for your attorneys to discuss with Evernote's attorneys?

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This might go beyond the public forum, but this is certainly something that every professional should be aware of.  Especially if they plan on capturing ideas via EN on a regular bases as almost every blog post suggests.



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  • Level 5*

Not everyone requires full, legally auditable dates on their note creations, in fact, I'd be surprised if many Evernote users did. Just out of curiosity, what other tools are there for capturing this sort of information?

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  • Level 5*

Even computer (Mac and Win) Created Dates can be changed by the user with the proper SW.

AFAIK, the only apps that do not allow changing Created Date are email servers & clients.

Of course, I would guess that even these can be hacked.


Since this is mostly a legal question, it is probably best addressed to legal forums.

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You're all getting caught up with the legal sense of this issue when all I was asking is if an unmodified date field exists.  An example of its utility might be in a legal setting (for example).


The answer is clearly NO.  At least in the eyes of the general public.


It does however bring up an issue if business owners have anything to be concerned with... However, that's an entirely different topic and something I'm not an expert in. :)


Thanks for the response,


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