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How do I transfer the ownership of a notebook to another account?

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I have the premium version.


I had a personnal account that I used to create a Notebook that now is used by my colleagues. More than 50 of them. However, it is me the only person that is able to delete people. Also... I did create a new account for just work purposes and I have more shared notebooks from this second account.


However, I don't know how to transfer the ownership from my notebook to someone. Also... if i delete the notebook in my personnal account... will it be deleted for everybody? 


It would be embarrassing if I have to export manually all notes to a new notebook and invite again to 20 people, some of them my bosses. 

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  • Level 5*

You cannot transfer ownership, as far as I know, with the personal edition of Evernote. It may be possible using the Business edition, but I'm not familiar enough with that product to know; for more information on that, you could ask in the Evernote Business subforum and also search the Evernote web site.


Anyways, with respect to the personal edition: If you delete the notebook, you'll be deleting it from your account, and for people who are sharing it, it will be deleted for them as well.


You'll most likely need to designate the person you want to take over, have them copy the notes to a notebook of their own, and then they'd need to share with the people that it should be shared with. You may lose tags and note links (if you use those) when the notes are copied elsewhere. Yes, this is awkward.

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  • 6 months later...

The post was posted a long time ago, but since I kinda figured out a solution, I figured I'll share. 


What I did is I shared the notebook with my work account. After sharing it with my work account, I created a blank notebook. I then shift to highlight all the notes in the shared notebook to the new notebook in my work account. All the tags and stuff are still intact. I then shared the notebook in my work account. This does not transfer file ownership though. 

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