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Help: Getting Around Stacks and its No Synch Feature

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I want to have the following:


Buyers Notebook

---Adams Notebook (10 Notes)

---Jones Notebook (9 Notes)


Sellers Notebook

---Smith (10 Notes)

---Wilson (9 Notes)


And I want this to Synch to all devices.


I don’t want to co-mingle Adams Notes with Jones Notes into one Buyers Notebook and use Tags. I just want one more layer of organization.


What happens is that once I do a "Notebook within a Notebook", it automatically creates a Stack and the Synch function is disabled.


Is there a series of steps I can do to make sure the Synch remains constant?


Surely I am not the only one trying to accomplish this. And no I have not exceeded my 250 notebook limit.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Level 5*

There is no such thing as "Notebook in Notebook" functionality in Evernote: notebooks can only contain notes, and not other notebooks. There are stacks, which can can only contain notebooks. Stacks *are* synced to other devices in your account, at least that's my experience.

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There is no such thing as "Notebook in Notebook" functionality in Evernote: notebooks can only contain notes, and not other notebooks. There are stacks, which can can only contain notebooks. Stacks *are* synced to other devices in your account, at least that's my experience.


I know its called a Stack. I am looking to share with my Admin, but Stacks cannot be shared. Only Notebooks.

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  • Level 5*


There is no such thing as "Notebook in Notebook" functionality in Evernote: notebooks can only contain notes, and not other notebooks. There are stacks, which can can only contain notebooks. Stacks *are* synced to other devices in your account, at least that's my experience.


I know its called a Stack. I am looking to share with my Admin, but Stacks cannot be shared. Only Notebooks.


You referred to "Notebook in Notebook", which doesn't exist, when you seemed to mean "stacks". I assumed you were conceptually confused.

You said that stacks don't "synch", which is false, and not that stacks aren't shareable, which is true, but not what you asked about.


You will need to share your notebooks individually. You are not alone in wanting this feature. There's other discussion about it in the forums, if you care to search for it.

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