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Monthly subscription to Evernote

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I'd like to try Evernote premium for just one month, to see how much id use it without wifi, and therefore if it's worth me buying a yearly subscription. By selecting the Evernote premium monthly subscription for £3.99, will that last for just one month and then revert back to free usage, or will it continue taking £3.99 from my account for a number of months in a 'contract'?

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It's been a while since i've been on month-to-month, but I believe the default setting is auto-renew. You can change this in the account settings page at http://www.evernote.com. disabling auto-renew should mean you'll drop to free after that first month and not be charged for a second. 


I used to drop in and out of premium all the time in my earlier evernote days, mostly in months where I'd travel overseas and needed access to my documents offline. I'd grab premium for that month, and drop to free at the end of my trip. Worked very well at the time (now I'm premium full time). 

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Depending on where you purchased your premium subscription, there may be different routes to cancelling your auto-renewing subscription: https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/23466441


After cancelling your auto-renewing subscription, your account will remain Premium for the duration of your billing cycle. After the subscription runs out, your account will automatically downgrade to free. None of your data will be lost, and all of your data will still be accessible.

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