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Viewing notes from shared notebooks on Atlas

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I was looking to use Evernote partly as a collaborative mapping tool for a class.  I thought that if students all share their geotagged notes (view only) with a communal class account, they would be able to view a map of the notes for the entire class.  However, notes from shared notebooks do not show up on Atlas.  Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?

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I don't have an answer but suggest you search through the Evernote for Schools forum board. Also, from everything I've seen here about the collaborative use of Evernote - especially in schools and in the sense you indicate of one account shared by multiple students and, I presume, you - is inviting disastrous results. There are a lot of discussion Threads in the Evernote for School area of this forum, from various educators at all levels. So again, I strongly advise you look through them before proceeding with a shared, multiple users account.

Good luck!

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