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Select Category?

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When I try to post a new topic in the forum, it asks me to select a category, but I'm not seeing where to do that. I have posted before and don't remember this step.


Edit: I was trying to post in the Evernote section. Posting this in the General forum, I wasn't asked for a category. 

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What client (platform) are using? I ask because I have Windows and Android, and I'm usually on my Android phone when here at the forum. There is no drop-down menu that I can see on the latter client.

NOTE: What follows is an unavoidably (for *me* - being concise is not one of my strenths...sorry

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  • Level 5*


When you click the Start New Topic button,  there's a drop-down of all the available forums...


Hey Geniuses, there is not Category drop down in Chrome, MSIE or Safari.  What browser are you using?


I sure see it in Chrome, on Win 7.

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Does anyone besides Rgrenader see what I see?


There is no drop-down menu when I click on "Start New Topic."


How can I start a new topic if I'm supposed to enter a category and there is no way to do this?

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Does anyone besides Rgrenader see what I see?


There is no drop-down menu when I click on "Start New Topic."


How can I start a new topic if I'm supposed to enter a category and there is no way to do this?


I am not starting any flame wars, there is enough of that to go around the world.  I opened the forums in Chrome on Win 7, MSIE on WIn 8.1 and Safari on an iPad and did not see any "Category" button.  I have pop up blocking enabled across all devices, is the category treated as a Popup by the browser, and blocked due to the setting selection?

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Okay, glad that's settled. ☺

As for Ursala's problem and your suggestion about pop-ups maybe being the cause, I truly don't know. I don't *think* a pop-up blocker is the issue here judging by the posted screenshot by GBarry, but couldn't swear to it. Hopefully one of the more advanced users - or better yet, GBarry himself - will see this thread in the morning and be able to test your theory and solve the mystery.

It does seem odd that such a seemingly simple question is so hard to answer!

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Still seeing this behavior when I tried again today. I hope someone will figure this out.


Okay, glad that's settled. ☺

As for Ursala's problem and your suggestion about pop-ups maybe being the cause, I truly don't know. I don't *think* a pop-up blocker is the issue here judging by the posted screenshot by GBarry, but couldn't swear to it. Hopefully one of the more advanced users - or better yet, GBarry himself - will see this thread in the morning and be able to test your theory and solve the mystery.

It does seem odd that such a seemingly simple question is so hard to answer!

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"it's not you, it's me." - The Evernote Discussion Forums


Thanks for the patience--after some testing it appears some group settings we tweaked slightly messed up the tag system that handles the display of these categories. I've changed up some settings on the tagging system that should resolve this. Let me know if you can use the categories field now when creating a new thread.


Update: I did some additional testing with my test forum accounts and it looks like categories is working as designed--but please do holler if you continue to run into the problem.

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Okay, I did add this problem to a post *reply* I made a couple days about some problems I was having with the newest Android release. (In the thread about the newest release.) Except for what I hope is a bug that will soon to be rectified, Jefito quickly helped my indentify user error on my part for feature I incorrectly thought were missing functions.

The reason I'm here in this thread, a couple days after adding the below issue to that post, is I've heard no response and believe I might be experiencing the *exact same issue* and hope to get GBarry's attention about it.

I can not - as of three days ago - create and post a new Topic anywhere on the Forum using my android phone. Like Ursala, it keeps tell me I must Select a Category. But there is no option to do so, and as per my explanation in my first reply to Ursala - quoted below - has never been an issue before. The text editor still pops up looking exactly as it always has - one "short" - height-wise (↕) empty rectangular box for the Title, directly below that is a larger box for the post text, and below that is the option to add Tags.

It's not really a "text editor" that appears on my screen and never has been. It's always just been the two empty boxes and add Tags option as described above. No text editing menus, functions/features or anything else appears on my phone's screen. Again - my screen when posting a reply or starting a new topic - has *always* appeared as described. But until *now* I've had zero problems starting a new topic or replying to and existing one.

**Except now when I tap the post button, a banner appears at the top telling me to Select a Category - but is NO option to actually do so. The first time (*after* several attempts) I had this problem, I pulled up the full Forum sight - as it appears when I use Windows on my PC - instead of the mobile version that comes up automatically when I log-in (on phone). After zooming the screen I attempted to post a New Topic to report this and the same Select a Category banner popped up, stopping me from successfully posting.

Again I made several attempts and carefully checked every inch of the forum screen. Tricky, but doable even on a phone screen. But I assure you, there was not option to Select a Category from, even though I was at the full forum website exactly as it appears the occassional time I post from my laptop, there was still NO option available to select a category from!

I have no doubt I can start a New Topic - complete with Selecting a Category - from my *laptop,* but I can NOT do it on my android phone. Whether physically in the plain black and white Mobile version of the Forum, or at the full green and white full version, it keeps demanding I Select a Category, but there is no such Option available, when I'm on my phone!

I've been posting New Topics from my phone since last fall - and have not once, until 3 days ago - been asked to Select a Category. I assume that clicking (tapping) on the appropiate Section of the Forum, then on the right Forum Board, has been automatically selecting the category for me? New topics always ends up exactly where I want them.

GBarry, Charboyd...somebody, please help!

What client (platform) are using? I ask because I have Windows and Android, and I'm usually on my Android phone when here at the forum. There is no drop-down menu that I can see on the latter client.

NOTE: What follows is an unavoidably (for *me* - being concise is not one of my strenths...sorry

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EDIT: Right after posting I realzed something. On my Samsung Galaxy 3 android phone, there never were any drop-down menus to choose anything. From my *successful* New Top test post earlier, there still isn't, at least not on the Mobile version of the forum. I simply click the board I want to start a new thread on and tap the New Topic button. See my detailed response to Ursala earlier in this thread if you'd like more info.

In any case, it's all working just fine for me now!

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