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[Request] Grouping notes in notebook


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Other similar products, likes: One Note (Microsoft), allow user create group of notes in a given notebook. With evernote you can use tags or notebooks. In my opinion it is sometimes restricted. Because tags are globally, there is no way to define a tag for a given notebook only, this would allow to have some notes grouped by a given tag.


The solution I am using is to prefix on the title the category or group, for example: Meeting| Meeting subject, Client| topic, for example, but it is a manual solution (workaround).


Are you planning to consider any additional level of organization?


Thanks in advance,



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  • Level 5*

Other similar products, likes: One Note (Microsoft), allow user create group of notes in a given notebook. With evernote you can use tags or notebooks. In my opinion it is sometimes restricted. Because tags are globally, there is no way to define a tag for a given notebook only, this would allow to have some notes grouped by a given tag.


The solution I am using is to prefix on the title the category or group, for example: Meeting| Meeting subject, Client| topic, for example, but it is a manual solution (workaround).


Are you planning to consider any additional level of organization?


Thanks in advance,



If I understand what you are trying to accomplish you could add a preface when you create the tag.  Something like NB-tag.name.  No guarantee they will sort together if you have multiple tags on a note though.  In which case you might want something like !NB-tag.name which will always sort to the front of the tag list due to the leading "!".  FWIW.

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  • Level 5*

You do realize that you can categorize your notes by notebook *and* tag at the same time, pretty easily. Find all of the notes tagged "Meeting" in notebook "MyClient" is pretty straightforward, at least in the desktop Evernote clients.

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