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Want icon on edit toolbar to insert time date stamp same as Alt-Shift-D

Sam Knutson

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It would be productive to be able to add an icon to the edit window for a text note to insert time date stamp same as you can do with Alt-Shift-D shortcut which is not as easy a single click harder to remember.   Ideally this would be a default icon but second best would if customize toolbar was an option and this was available to be added or moved to to the visible area of the edit toolbar.


Best Regards,

Sam Knutson




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Yeah +  1

After years I think I finally got it memorized but explaining this to my wife?   Co-workers?  All my actionable notes have a time logs and need time stamps


This REALLY needs to be on all the mobile apps too

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  • Level 5*

Not saying it's a bad suggestion,  but an extra icon takes up screen space and how many other functions would users like to have a keystroke/ tap away?  I use a text-expander to provide time/ date stamps in more than one format on my desktop,  and there are text-expanders for mobiles too...

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