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(Archived) Preserving filename

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For me, an important piece of information connected with each file I store in evernote is the filename itself. Therefore, I want the filename to be preserved, on two levels.

First, if I right click and save from evernote (to get back a local copy for working on / viewing / emailing etc) then I want it saved with the original filename preserved (or at least that should be the default name when saving as). However, this doesn't always appear to happen. I haven't looked into it fully, but I *think* what happens is this. If I right-click and save a pdf on the same machine I pushed it into evernote, the filename seems to be there in the Save As dialog. If I pushed it into evernote on another machine, it isn't. Or, it could be that if I pushed it into evernote on a slightly older client (like I have installed at work) then the name isn't preserved on another client (like the up to date client I have installed at home). When it doesn't work, all I get in the Save As dialog is a blank name (.pdf). Yes, the name is used as the note title by default, but I would really want the original filename preserved, whatever I change the note title to subsequent to importing it into evernote.

Second, should I ever wish to get all my information out of evernote in the future, including all files, I want all those files back with their original names preserved. Will this be possible?



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When it doesn't work (at least for pdfs with a right click then save as), all I get in the Save As dialog is a blank name (.pdf).

Note: the evernote client I have installed at work is (38413). Is it possible that for pdfs pushed into evernote using that client, the filename doesn't show up in the Save As dialog on another (more recent client)? Certainly a filename that wasn't showing up at home in the Save As dialog *is* showing up in the Save As dialog at work -- which is where I placed the pdf into evernote in the first place. However, pdfs pushed into evernote at home *do* appear to be showing the filename OK at work in the Save As dialog.

What I'm concerned about with all of this is not so much the fact that I can't see the filename in certain circumstances -- that might just be a client issue -- what I'd like to know is whether the filename is stored in the underlying database, separate to the note title, so that (in theory) I can get back all of my files with the original filenames intact.


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It was tough enough to persuade IT to install evernote in the first place :-) but I'll see what I can do.

This bug... it wasn't a bug which means that the filename has not actually been stored in the database? Just a bug which would affect e.g. a Save As extraction attempt?


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ooh, ouch. ;-)

I actually did a quick search of our bug tracking system before posting, but just came up with a bunch of unrelated bugs I'd filed against (e.g.) version 3.5A, etc. Then I got lazy and distracted.

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