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Scanning Moleskine notebook page


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I use Evernote Moleskine notebook to keep handwritten notes and am familiar with using camera (e.g. iPhone) to capture an image that Evernote can store and search the handwriting.  Wondering if anyone has experience using a scanner to capture the image.  I tried it and Evernote doesn't seem to be able to search the handwriting in the scanned image.  Am I missing something or does scanning kill the handwriting recognition??



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  • Level 5*

Could be any number of things affecting recognition - quality of the scan,  size of the image,  number of images in one note,  your scanner rendering the Moleskine paper lines more strongly than a camera...  (I don't know whether the camera image is tweaked to reduce the image of any lines,  but I do know that strongly lined paper messes up OCR).  If you need to continue scanning these pages you may have to work-around the limitations by adding keywords or summaries to pages so that at least you can find the right page and then read the detailed content yourself.

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My scanner supports jpeg so I tried scanning the journal page in that format.  Seems to work with the evernote handwriting OCR and stores a cleaner image than using iPhone/iPad camera.  Combined with adding some tags I think this is going to work best for me.

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