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How do I see a list of attachment names in a given Note?



I have various reading lists whereby individual Notes contain groupings of pdf articles.  I need to be able to see easily how many pdfs I have attached to each note, their order, and their names, however the attachments appear in their entirety in a linear fashion.  What am I missing?  Thank you!! 

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You have control over the ordering of attachments. They can be moved around like text. You'll have to organize them in the way that you want to see them. 


You may also want to consider using multiple notes that are either linked with Note Links or tags for a given topic.


So if you have a note with 10 PDFs on Topic A, try instead to have a tag Topic A applied to 10 notes, each with their own attachment. this way you can select that tag to view all Topic A notes, which is also the number of attachments associated with Topic A, and which can be sorted by name, date created, updated, etc. 



I take a lot of notes on academic literature, and my old method was to use ONE note for a given topic, and have notes for all the articles on that topic in that one note. This became really difficult to manage for a number of reasons so I started using tags instead, and having one note per article. This has helped me organize my reading notes IMMENSELY. 

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I don't know what the purpose of these reading lists are, but what you could do is once you have a list created and organized under a specific tag, you can then create a Table of Contents note that has numbered links to each note in that comprises the reading list. So:

Topic A:

10 Readings

10 Notes 

1 Attachment per note

1 TOC note that contains a link to each of the ten notes. 

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