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(Archived) Re-registering Catch-22

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Perhaps there is nothing to be done about this, but I want to bring it to your attention. I had a previous Evernote account, which I had cancelled. I tried to re-register using my standard email address, which I used previously. I got an error message saying that email address was in use, and to request a new password for it. When I did this, I got an error message saying there was no record for that email address. I finally gave up and re-registered using an alternate email address, but I would strongly prefer to use my main one. Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

What is resolution? I have not yet been able to access Evernote app (for iPhone) because username and email address are not synchronized. Both username or email address were both accepted when I registered but I cannot login. Neither can be used (both assigned to accounts) nor can they be used. Attempts to change email address cause error messages with reference to technical support. Messages seem to go to incorrect address and attempts to change address not accepted.

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