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Top 10 AutoHotkey scripts for Evernote: Submit your favorite scripts and vote


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I am really new to autohotkey, but I can already see a multitude of ways it could be used to make Evernote easier and more powerful to use.

For instance, I could see it being used to create a GUI for advanced searches, or a GUI form-like box to add notes according to certain parameters or templates. Or hot keys for font headings/styles, etc.

If you have an AHK script you have found particularly useful, please share the script here and describe what it does. I would love for this thread to be a collection of the best autohotkey scripts for Evernote out there. Then maybe we can vote on which ones are the best.

Do we have any contenders out there?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I just started doing creating some ahk scripts and came across your post. I find these 2 useful. Please post any that you have created :)


;Ctrl + Alt + R

;RELOAD AHK SCRIPT and copy to new note in evernote (backup/syncing purposes)

;Then move to 'AHK' notebook. 

;!! Make sure you create an 'AHK' notebook first!!



Send ^a ; select all

Send ^c ; copy to clipboard


Send ^S ; save


Send ^!n ;open evernote

Sleep 1500

Send ^v ;paste note


Sleep 300

Send !n v

Sleep 300

Send AHK

Sleep 200

Send {Enter} {Enter} {F3} ;Move to AHK notebook

Sleep 100

Send {Enter} ; Confirm move to notebook

Sleep 100

Send {F3} ; Confirm move to notebook



Sleep 100 ;


Sleep 200 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached.





;Copy selected text to new note in evernote - move to 'Inbox' notebook. 

;Ctrl + Windows Key + N



Send ^c ; copy to clipboard



Send ^!n ;open evernote

Sleep 1500

Send ^v ;paste note


Sleep 300

Send !n v

Sleep 300

Send Inbox

Sleep 200

Send {Enter} {Enter} {F3} ;Move to 'Inbox' notebook

Sleep 100

Send {Enter} ; Confirm move to notebook

Sleep 100

Send {F3} ; Confirm move to notebook



Sleep 100 ;


Sleep 200 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached.

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