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REQUEST: Notes should be found by source URL as well!

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Title says it all!


Source URL meta field of notes should be indexed for search to be able to find (all) notes by a specific source URL!


Maybe even by an advanced search operator like url: or something like this...


Wondering why this is not implemented yet!


With best regards,



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Title says it all!


Source URL meta field of notes should be indexed for search to be able to find (all) notes by a specific source URL!


Maybe even by an advanced search operator like url: or something like this...


Wondering why this is not implemented yet!


With best regards,




So..does the sourceURL search not work for you?  IE,  sourceURL:http://lifehacker*






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  • Level 5
Yes, the advanced search can give you a lot of possibilities. I recommend trial and error to become familiar with the variety of different formats.




For URL searches, I use the sourceURL:http://*

example for Hotair.com clippings, I use:


But, sometimes the www. has to be included

sourceURL:http://www.drudgereport.com/* for the Drudge Report




Web clippings



Clearly clippings



A combination Web and Clearly clippings

any: source:Clearly source:web.clip

(search term credit to spg SCOTT) 


A search for images that have been added by a mobile device

resource:image/* source:mobile.*


There are a LOT of these search techniques.

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Thank you BurgersNFries,


This did the trick! Thank you very much!


I'm sorry, but the german KB article about advanced search doesn't mention anything about it and also the support chat didn't know about it...


I could have thought about digging deeper in the forums though! My apologies!


Thanks again BnF!


Best regards,




You're welcome!

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