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(Archived) Evernote for Android 1.0B11

Philip Constantinou

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Hey folks -

We've updated the Android beta version to 1.0B11. There's been a few updates that I haven't posted about but this a bigger milestone so here's a few details that cover the last couple auto-updates.

- Correct integration with Android 'Share with' feature

- Provide more info about upload errors so problems are more easily diagnosed

- Users can now discard audio note

- Store snapshot in internal folder if device hove no SD Card

- If note discarded - delete file attachment if needed

- Removed duplicate check for updates

- Organize snapshots and images under directory, delete when done

- User can now select an individual pending items and remove it

- Better memory usage when taking a snapshot

Also, the mobile web version will re-flow the thumbnails when the phone is in landscape mode.

Your feedback on the betas have been invaluable so please keep them coming!!! You rule!

Remaining known issues:

- Search box overlaps with keyboard on the MyTouch

- You really really really want an all native client that doesn't launch the browser :(

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Thanks very much for the work you are doing! I'm finding more great uses for evernote now i able to upload notes and photos from the android client :(

When you launch this to the market i'm sure you will pick up many new and rewarding followers!


P.s. YES we are looking forward one day to having a full native client!

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  • 2 weeks later...
P.s. YES we are looking forward one day to having a full native client!

I second that. It's pretty awful for accessing notes as it is now. However, for adding notes, it's great. Definitely the correct prioritization of what aspect to concentrate on first.

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