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View tags of shared notebook

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OK, now that I sprang for a premium subscription I suppose I will start to see all the limitations of Evernote.


I have the premium account and my wife has a free account and is using primarily her Android tablet (v5.8.5).


I shared one of my notebooks with her and gave her "modify" access - something that I understood should work if I have a premium account.


She can see the notebook and the items in the notebook but the tags for my noteook items don't show up in her tag list so she apparently can't select items by tag.


Is this a bug or is that the way it is "supposed" to work?

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  • Level 5*

Even with a free account you should be able to share one notebook with full modify privileges - unless you have plans to share more notebooks with others you could consider trading down again...  and while there have been some oddities with shared tags,  things are 'supposed' to work the way you'd expect.  I'd suggest a support ticket to see whether the tech team can offer any suggestions,  and meantime a workaround would be to use keywords in titles and search for "intitle:<keyword>" or to have 'index' notes with contents list links to others.

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