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Sync Failed weirdly

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Hi, I'm a user of Evernote of China - the "Yinxiangbiji".

Recently, My Evernote can't sync. The logs looks like this:

06:18:43 [6820] 77% * guid={073e2268-8718-44d4-9e75-9da7e3da1a4d}
06:18:45 [6820] 77% Submitting batch of 13 note calls, size=84.0KB
06:18:49 [6472] Client synchronization finished, status: failed
06:18:49 [6472] * 131 items received
06:18:49 [6472] * elapsed time: 8m 11s
06:24:28 [7128] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2014/07/05 06:15:00

However, the problem always appears when synced about 77%. I tried to use VPN, delete the wrong notes balabala ... But, finally, I failed.

Does someone can explain the problem?


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