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Can I note link to specific spot in a note?

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I'm new to Evernote.


Im teaching and use Evernote to display lessons. I just figured out how to make a link to another note in a presentation. The problem is that when I want to go back the the original text, I have to reopen that note and scroll down to where I was. Is there any way to link back to the spot where I left off?


If that can't be done, even better would be a 'pop up' note that contains extra information in a text.


Any suggestions?





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  • Level 5*

You can't link to a place in a note,  but you can link to a note - link out to your sidebar note,  and include a link there back to your main text.  You don't say what device you're using,  but you may also have forward and back buttons on the top menu bar which do exactly what it says on the can...

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