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Evernote Dictionary

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Good day,


I have been using Evernote for about 6 months now and have been extremely pleased with it.  I use a PC at work, PC at home, Macbook, and iPhone to sync my notes and haven't had any issues with synchronization.  Anyways, there are times when there is a word that Evernote isn't familiar with so I add it to the Evernote dictionary.  Is there a way to view this dictionary so I can see the words that have been added?

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  • Level 5*

In the Windows client, select Tools / Options / General. Click on "Open Database folder". In the resultant Windows Explorer window (you should be in something like <blah>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases), go up one level, and look for a directory named "Dict". In that, you should find a file named "user.dic". That's a text file containing the words you've added.


Don't know about Mac or iOS.

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This depends on what device you are using. Evernote does not maintain its own dictionary it uses the operating system's dictionary.


Don't know where it resides on Windows, but on Mac you can find it



(at least in my case it is en_ca which stands for Canadian english. It will be different on yours) 


You can open this file in text edit to see a list of added words. 


Note the "~" is shorthand for your computer username. (so not the library located at Macintosh HD/Library)



I do not believe it is even possible manually add words to iOS's dictionary. iOS just stops bugging you if you use a word a few times. 

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