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Pix Sent to Evernote Have A Calendar Name?

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I'm practicing sending snapshots from my phone into Evernote.  They go into my default notebook just fine, BUT they are entitled with whatever calendar entry I last used!  For example, today  I added to Google calendar the event named Haircut 1 00.  Now all the snapshots I just took and sent to EN I see in my Inbox are labeled with that.  How the heck does THAT happen and how do I keep it from occurring?


I don't see how my phone talks to my calendar through Evernote, and it's driving me crazy!  I have to retitle everything from whatever calendar entry shows up.  Usually, it's just  the Picture @ (my city and state).


Help!  I know this must be a setting somewhere.  :(


Cathie Simmons

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  • Level 5*

Hi - always helps to know whether you're on iOS or Android for these queries - on the assumption that it's Android,  have a look in Evernote > Settings > Note Creation and switch off (untick) "Autotitle".

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So sorry, I should have remembered to include data.  I use a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 running the latest Android software.  I'll follow your suggestion, but I still can't figure out how it picks up a calendar event.   :(




Oops.  Now I really feel stupid.  Where the heck are the Settings??  I've looked everywhere and can't find Note Creation or anything to untick.  


Sorry again.

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I don't want to beat a dead horse, but since I'm a Premium member, I took advantage of the Chat Support and repeated to them the advice from above which I couldn't find.


Chat helped me figure it out based on the above and it's fixed.  :)  Thanx to those here and that yearly fee is well worth it to me.  Both Catch and Springpad are now gone and I'm happy to fund Evernote for an annual $45. to stay alive.


Cathie Simmons

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