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Can I replace Wunderlist in Evernote?

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I've been using Evernote more and more and I love it.  I have a notebook called Lists or To Do and I have been keeping grocery lists or short lists in there, but I also like pieces of Wunderlist.  Can I replace Wunderlist 100% with Evernote for lists and reminders?


One nice thing with Wunderlist is I have made a rule to add reminders made from my iPhone using Siri to Wunderlist which is nice.  any suggestions, I would appreciate it, thank you.




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I've been using Evernote more and more and I love it.  I have a notebook called Lists or To Do and I have been keeping grocery lists or short lists in there, but I also like pieces of Wunderlist.  Can I replace Wunderlist 100% with Evernote for lists and reminders?


One nice thing with Wunderlist is I have made a rule to add reminders made from my iPhone using Siri to Wunderlist which is nice.  any suggestions, I would appreciate it, thank you.



I suggest you try it and see. If it works well for you, then it would seem your answer is yes. Otherwise, no. No one can make this decision for you but you.

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I personally use both. Lists, including grocery lists, go in Wunderlist. If a list item has some sort of deeper information in Evernote, I use an Evernote:/// link in the comment section of Wunderlist to link to that note. So for example, if there is a recipe in Evernote, I might link to that recipe on at least one of the grocery list items in Wunderlist. Or if there is a task like "email so and so about such and such", I might have a evernote:/// link to that email or notes on that communication in Evernote. 


To me, the really granular control over lists, due dates, reminders in Wunderlist cannot be matched by Evernote. Some people who use the GTD method of organization seem to do well with Evernote, but GTD is not for me. I need to be pestered, regularly, for small tasks, and Wunderlist is good for that. 



Wunderlist = Small, actionable todo items, almost always time-based. 

Evernote = Details (sometimes about a wunderlist item), notes, long-term reminders (e.g., annual renewals), actionable paperwork (receipt that needs to be submitted for reimbursement) etc. 


I don't mind using the two of them personally. They both excel at what they do and neither one could take the place of the other entirely in MY workflow. 

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I use the two programs similar to how Scott does.  I use wunderlist for my grocery list and basic to do list items as like Scott I need to be "pestered" so I don't forget mundane things.


That said, I DO also keep to do lists in Evernote, but they are more like "master do lists" or "project based" to do lists.  For example I am a teacher and off on summer vacation, however there are several projects / tasks I would like to accomplish over the summer, so I have a "summer projects to do list" in Evernote.  I review that note daily and add specific tasks from that list as appropriate to my daily list in Wunderlist.  


Now I DID learn something from Scott's post about putting links to EN recipes into my grocery list in Wunderlist.  Gonna have to figure out how to do that as I see where that can be helpful as well.


For me to two work nicely together and both meet my #1 criteria for a productivity app which is to be cross platform as I work on both windows and macs, have an iphone and an android tablet and no plans to give up ANY of my devices!

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Tracey, about pasting note links, you'll want a "Classic" note link for pasting into Wunderlist. YOu can do this on the Mac by holding opt while right-clicking a note. On Windows you hold ctrl. 


I've found that evernote:/// links work fine on mobile devices with Evernote installed, so you click the link in Wunderlist (or Calendar, we also paste evernote links to recipes for our dinner in Calendar), and it opens up the note in Evernote. At least, this works on iOS. Not sure about 'droid.

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  • Level 5*

I was very excited when reminders were released and did use them for a while, but the lack of recurring reminders and the fact they are not visible in the list view (my preferred) sent me looking for other solutions.  I've turned to Todoist and my process is very similar to what is already mentioned.  Even if Evernote were to implement recurring reminders, I would be hard pressed to go back to Evernote for todos.  I like the UI and speed of the separate app too much.  I spend a lot of time within Evernote and thought I would find it a burden to manage todos with another app ... I was wrong, I don't.

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I was very excited when reminders were released and did use them for a while, but the lack of recurring reminders and the fact they are not visible in the list view (my preferred) sent me looking for other solutions.  I've turned to Todoist and my process is very similar to what is already mentioned.  Even if Evernote were to implement recurring reminders, I would be hard pressed to go back to Evernote for todos.  I like the UI and speed of the separate app too much.  I spend a lot of time within Evernote and thought I would find it a burden to manage todos with another app ... I was wrong, I don't.

I'm with you on this. Granted, I use Evernote reminders very often to pin certain notes to the top, or bring them forward at particular times (the Table of Contents note that links to all of my travel information for a given trip will, for example, have a reminder set for the date of my departure). Or annual renewals and so on will have a note containing the renewal form (or whatever) and a reminder date for some date slightly in advance of the form due date. Evernote handles these things GREAT. 


But as you say, dedicated todo apps are MUCH faster for rapidly inputting list items with sophisticated/recurring reminders/due dates. 


And like you, I don't find juggling two applications too onerous! I'd rather use two applications than shoehorn my needs into one. Different applications for different applications ;)  

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  • 1 month later...

This is my first post in this forum, I'm not much of a forum-nerd anyway. 

It looks like a nice place, though! So hello, everybody!


Right now, I'm just de-cluttering my iDevices, Macs, PC and Androids. Too many "productivity"- tools keep me from working.

That's why I took interest in this thread.


Actually, I try to keep as few apps as possible. Talking organizers, Pocket-Informant, Clear, Apple Notes, and Evernote made it for me.

OmniFocus, Things, 2Do, FireTask, and a dozen other ones, I had not deleted so far, simply because they had cost good money, went to the trash these days.

It sure took me some time to find out, that less is more. With quite a lot of "Organizers" you have to spend more time - for to get them organized - than they save you.


I had tried out Wunderlist as well when it was new, and I've come back to the new version 3 for some time now. 

Though it is a nice tool, I actually think it's overestimated. For my needs it is to ahrm.. simple, straight? too German, maybe?

Life is more complex than lists and categories. (And lists btw sync perfectly well across all devices, even Android, using WebCAL/DAV with Apple Notes. No easier way than this one).


So why did I stick with Evernote instead?


Evernote, on the one hand, captures everything instantly and keeps it in a safe place. Its search engine is unequaled by any other app's. By using tags you can keep your thoughts organized not only in one list, but in as many different contexts as you need.

WebIS Pocket Informant, one the other hand, has become my most important time management tool within the last years. It can sync with literally everything (Apple, Google, Outlook, Fruux, Toodledo, you name it..), runs rock-solidly, and integrates all sorts of services under a beautiful hood. 

Now the best thing is: Pocket-Informant lets you integrate Evernote as its "Notes-Tab". 

Then all the things you save in Evernote turn up in your Pocket-Informant database immediately - even connected to the calendar-day you enter a note (if you prefer so).

This is great!

Now e.g. a bcc of all my business-mail goes to my Evernote-account, and turns up in my calendar at once, where I can keep it connected to a contact, a date, a history. The same holds true for important docs, web-clips, etc.. It even integrates with CJournal CRM on iDevices! 

Not to mention all the other things Evernote can do!


Evernote is way more than just a Wunderlist! It makes life easier without simplifying it!

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  • Level 5*

Late to the game, but:

  • EN Reminders for the "important" things in my life (with some effort to get the searches right)
  • FollowUpThen for recurring reminders, with a note link included.  I get an email interrupt (seems the best way to help me pay attention), click on the link, and I'm in the note. 
  • Wunderlist - transient reminders like grocery lists

This way I keep of my "important" reminder type stuff in one place and use a second service as an alarm if you will.  Based upon the way a day can get away from me, I even have a recurring reminder in FUT to alert me to check my reminders at 1PM each weekday, in addition to the EN email in the morning.  FWIW.  

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