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How has this not been done yet


Its easy enough to copy and paste a note you have saved as a template yes thats obvious on a computer.


But what about when you're using this program off of a phone. Typing is slow and painful and should be minimised, not to mention copying and pasting being slow on phone as well.


My thought process is to use EVERNOTE to send all my jobsheets in so i want a template that opens everytime I hit create new note like













and bang workers fire it off on the job saves them time, i invoice faster saves me time.


Seems like a pretty basic function and after looking for answers on the net would appear that people have been asking for it, for over a year. Wouldn't hurt to implement it, i would've thought.



Really great program just seems like it could be alot better.




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+1 for this.


In the meantime, I create/save several templates in my Notebooks while on the desktop.  I have to go in and recreate templates every so often, which is a pain and time consuming.


Or maybe a feature such as:  Copy Template (X) amount of times in Same Notebook.  That would be a step in the right direction.

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Evernote staff does read all posts so you can consider your suggestion made. However, Evernote doesn't generally comment on their roadmap. 


Almost everyone who posts a suggestions feels that their suggestion would be easy/would make Evernote lots of money/is the one thing everyone else wants/should obviously have been included from the get-go. If you read the forums very much, you'll also see that there isn't a lot of agreement on what those features are. And Evernote does seem to have their own, rather unique vision of where the service should go. 


You don't say which type of phone your using but, if you're using an iPhone, you might want to look at Everlog. It lets you create a library of note templates. The learning curve is a bit steep, in my opinion, but it works quite well. 


Best of luck. 

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