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Tags From Deleted Subscribed Notebooks Still Showing


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Hi There,


I joined a shared notebook in Evernote Windows Client.  It placed a large number of Tags from the Shared Notebook into my Windows Client.  I then deleted the Notebook but unfortunately the tags are still showing in the Windows Client and I cannot delete them - they are not showing in the web client.


I have uninstalled the Windows Client and Reinstalled but they are still showing.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can remove them?




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  • Level 5*

Did you uninstall using Revo or any other system cleaner?  If not,  I'd suggest you try that again - search the forums here for detailed instructions.  If you have no local or unsynced notes you could also try renaming your EXB file to force Evernote to rebuild the database from the server - again check here for more instructions,  and be aware that this will take a while if you have a lot of notes...

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