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I would really like to learn how to link to a folder outside Evernote from inside a note



I have spent quite some time searching how to do this. I probably have not found all the information possible in this forum, but I have tried dragging the folder to a browser address bar to get the file path, then trying to paste it into a note; running Automator (it will not respond); selecting text in the note, right-clicking to Add Link, and pasting the file path in the space; dragging the folder directly to a note, and so on. Nothing works satisfactorily.


My OS X is Version 10.9.3.


I would be grateful for some help.

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It has been a while since I have done this.  I forgot, but now I have it again.

Yes, you can do this.


Obtain your link to your Folder on your computer:  This can be done by Right Clicking on the Folder/Document, Click Services>Copy File Path


Go to your Note in EN.  Right Click on the Text you wish to make the link with, Right Click>Link>Add.  When the Link Box opens, paste the link there.  However, you need to add to the front of that link the following:  File:/     The Okay Button should highlight allowing you to click it and set the link.


Note:  there has to be the word File:  and Three back slashes in front of the link.  For example:     File:///users/computername/Foldername


I hope this helps and I did not confuse you.

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Thanks, Sentinel. I'm hoping I can figure this out. So far, I have not been able to get past the first step. When I Right Click on the Folder on my computer and Click Services, "Copy File Path" does not appear. The only choices I have when I Click Services are Notebook Clipping Setup..., Folder Actions Setup..., a few choices to send things to OmniOutliner, OmniFocus, and Growly Notes, then there is Add to Evernote (which brings up a confusing Creating ZIP Archive action along with a "could not be imported into Evernote"), Reveal in Finder, and Open. How do I get it to show me Copy File Path? :)

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To get Copy File Path, you have to ask Automator Services to display that.  I will look for that info and paste it here in a few minutes.  In the meantime, you can get the file path from: Right Click>Get info  It will be at the top of that dialogue box that appears.  Copy that link and paste with File:/ into the Note.

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I am resurrecting this question because after months of blithely using this technique, it no longer works! I can get the File Path from the Copy Path service as always, and I select the text I want to link to, then Right Click>Link>Add.  When the Link Box opens, I paste the link there, adding the following before the link:  File://


Well, it LOOKS okay, but when I click on the new blue underlined text, it does absolutely nothing. The only thing I can think of that is different is that I now have OS X Yosemite.


Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Thanks so much! 

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