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(Archived) Changing credit card for premium

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Dear evernote support,

I've been on premium about a year through paypal.

When I tried to change billing card info about 6 month ago , I was led to google checkout and I put all the newcard info there at that time with success.

However, your billing have come through the paypal registered old card, and showing my billing history through your setting page causes error.

How I can fix it?

My Google checkout account have no transaction and I guess it's one of the reason, but I can't find any opportunity to use it from my location at this moment.

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If you want to change your purchase method, I'd recommend:

Go to the Settings page and use the link to "Cancel" your subscription.

You will be Premium until your subscription expires at the end of the month/year you've paid.

Then, you can subscribe again with whatever payment method you like.

If you have any problems with this, please submit a support inquiry at the bottom of:


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