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Adding attachments in a new note


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I'm trying to upload attachments in a new note that is a PDF, and it's not working. I can open them on my computer in Adobe and I have the latest version. It only does it for some of them. I have other PDF that work fine. Below is what appears when it doesn't load it. 


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  • Level 5*

Can you use an Import Folder to add the file to a new note,  then merge the notes?  (Partly suggesting a workaround,  but also trying to find out if this file can be added at all by another method)

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I download the pdf to a folder on my desktop and then in Evernote use attach files and I even tried dragging the file over and dropping it in but neither way worked it this is what you mean. Very frustrating because the pdf's come from the same place and some work and some don't.

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  • Level 5*

If you have a look in Evernote Tools,  there's an option to designate a folder on your hard drive as an 'Import Folder'.  Anything dropped in there should be sucked into an Evernote note - but beware the original file can be deleted if you select that option.  I'd suggest you set up a new folder,  designate it as an Import Folder (but without the delete files option),  then drop a copy of your unhelpful PDF in there.  I know Evernote gets upset about file names sometimes - try renaming the copy "test.pdf" or something simple..

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I added a new folder like you said but I don't see anything being added in evernote. I'm on my desktop evernote and went to tools and added a new folder under import folders and see it there. Went to where it is located on my hard drive and added a couple of pdf's and went back into evernote and sync it, and nothing showed up. I also don't see the folder I created it in evernote.

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Never mind I figured it out, but still getting the same response.


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  • Level 5*

Hmmn. Try renaming,  and check the size of your document - is it especially huge?  And how much is left in your upload limit this month?


If its not the name,  the size or the upload limit,  a support ticket is required I think (see below) - I'm fresh out of ideas now.  

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