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Resizing Pictures Imported Into Evernote

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I'll swear this is in the forum somewhere but can't find it again.


I'm having to learn everything all over as I'm a Springpad migrator, so please be patient?


By reading everything about bringing in pix from my phone, I learned about the "annotate" feature in the upper right-hand corner of a pic.  Then someone suggested you could go down to the Crop button and it is also a Resize button.  I sure can't make it the Resize option.  How does one do that?  And if I just wanted to "smallify" the thing, is there a less clunky way to do it rather than View/Zoom Out a bunch of times?


One last thing, please.  When I take a portrait pic from my phone and send it off to Evernote, it comes out Landscape.  Seemingly, the only way to make a portrait come out portrait is to actually take it in landscape.

That seems totally nuts to me, but then a growing number of things do these days!  Help!


Cathie Simmons

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Hi,  welcome to the forums - and to a new learning curve!  Do you have an iOS phone or Android?  There are some apps around that will resize a picture for you outside of Evernote,  and Skitch (which is what you get when you hit 'annotate') should give you a 'crop',  but won't (AFAIK) give you a resize.  Afraid I don't tend to do either,  because on an Android phone you can alter the resolution of pictures and I take lo-res ones for Evernote.  The need doesn't arise.


If you can tell us what phone you have we may be able to come up with some more suggestions.

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Aha, and Eureka!  I'm a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 running the latest Android software.  Love this phone.  So I took a pic, went to the Gallery, chose Image Shrink, took a relatively small size, then saw that I could send it to Evernote, chose my Notebook, and off it went.  Halleluja, it works!  Next I'll make sure everything syncs up with my ASUS tab.


I know that no Evernoter wants to hear whining from us Springpaders.  I'm grateful to even have an alternative spanning web, tab, and phone, and for the apparent comity from the two applications' developers.  Change is tough, but as long as there are people here like you all who can answer questions, I'm good with what I have to do to re-learn.  


More study to come.  :)


Cathie MM

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  • Level 5*

Glad you're sorted - please accept a Gold Star for the most positive comment of the week so far  :)  - and don't worry about whining;  even if you had,  it wouldn't be the first time that happened here...

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Skitch does allow resizing too. The "crop" button has a small arrow (like in a drop down menu); click it & you will find resize.


Memo to self: wear glasses more. :wacko:  EN is having a 'moment' at present,  so I can't check in Windows,  but thanks for the tip!

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I went to a pic I'd put into a notebook, clicked annotate on it, found the Crop icon, but there's no menu arrow on it.  Most of the other options have the drop-down arrow, but not the crop button.  Am I missing a button somewhere?



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Oops, one more glitch.  Trying to nail it all down, I'm experimenting.  I opened a notebook with pix in it.  Hit the annotate button, added text to a pic, hit Save and Exit:  pic disappeared...completely.  Won't come up.  Repeated the experiment, same thing happened, even when using Done instead of Save and Exit.  The annotating eats the photo.  


Help one more time?  

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