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Dupliate a note in andoid

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I need to duplicate notes as there is no option for templates on Android. Could this happen soon? It is the most Cumbersome part of the Android App. Everything else is great but that feature is almost more important than all the others.

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I can duplicate in windows but it is. On the road when I receive a call that I usually need to creat the same note over and over. This note eventually gets shared with the customer. Thats why I have a need for uniformity. I know I could email a not to evernote but that is cumbersome and then includes all the header details etc from the email. This would be a damn usefull option to have within the Android App. Thanks for the great App though. It is awesome.

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  • Level 5*

If you email a note to your own Evernote email address,  you get a chance to add comments if you wish which will show up at the beginning of the note: and Evernote add a couple of lines of marketing at the bottom.  But you don't get any email headers or other information,  just (mainly) a copy of the original note. That's how I've been duplicating notes in Android anyway.

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