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cannot download what was recently uploaded

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I recently uploaded some documents to a new note in evernote.  then, I right-clicked on that document and tried to download it back onto my computer, but there is no option for download, or save as, etc.  It only has copy, paste, delete.  Am I doing something wrong?



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it was a png file.  I can drag and drop into the note area and it will successfully upload.  But if I right click on the uploaded picture/file I will get the same

copy, cut, paste, delete, insepect element etc.

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  • Level 5*

I'm having trouble uploading a file at the moment - drag and drop doesn't work,  or at least is says "uploading" but shows no progress count;  I 'attached' the file (a 5MB PNG) and we're into 14% and counting v-e-r-y  slowly upwards...  My system is doing other things,  so maybe its my connection that's the problem.  I'll report back if/ when things sort themselves out...

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