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Emailing PDF attachments only? File location help

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Wondering if anyone has a simple solution to this -- if I want to email an attachment (usually a PDF file) that is in an Evernote note, but do not want to email the entire note, is there an easy way to find the file location within my Evernote database from my email program?  I wind up downloading the attachment again to a desktop location then emailing it, then deleting the file.  But since the file itself exists somewhere within the detailed tree of my Evernote database, I am wondering if there is an easy way to locate the file to send as an email attachment directly without creating a second copy of the file.  I hope this is clear.  Thanks for any help!

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You should be able to just drag the attachment into the mail message you are composing. 


Worst case scenario is that you drag it to your desktop (which will COPY it from your database to your desktop), then attach it, if for some reason your mail client doesn't support drag and dropping. 

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Thank you!  I'm glad I asked!  Simple solution, works perfectly, dumb of me to have not tried the drag & drop -- for some reason, I was trying to navigate to the file.  Thanks again!

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