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iPad won't sync with existing Notebooks/Notes

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Since downloading EN on my new iPad, and logging in to my account, it acts like it's not syncing with my account's existing notebooks and notes. The screen only asks me to start my first notebook. EN syncs fine between my MacBook and iPhone, and I had no problems with syncing to my older generation iPad. Appreciate anyone's help to overcome this.

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Hi there--if you're running into a new "first notebook" message, it sounds like you may have inadvertently created a new account. May double check that the accounts are the same on all of your devices, or compare the MacBook login to the iPad login and see if the two are different. The way to check is to compare the Evernote Email Address between devices. On iOS, it’s in Evernote’s settings under General.

Assuming that is the case, you can use the prefix of the Evernote email address that is tied to the account you're using on the MacBook/iPhone to log into the iOS client. Though you will still have that extra account tied to another email address.
If you've done any kind of note creation on the iPad,, emailing into/sharing whatever notes you've created on the iPad outside of the other account should take care of whatever you need moved over.
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Thanks for your helpful information and suggestions. The key to successfully logging in was your suggestion to use the prefix of my existing account's EN email address.





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