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Evernote saves word documents as new version


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I am relatively new to Evernote Premium.

My Issue: I open a Word document previously saved in Evernote called (say) cabbage.doc

I save it.

The next time I try to open it, I discover that the file I open 'cabbage.doc' is unchanged, but that Evernote has decided to save my document as cabbage(1).doc in the folder 'attachments'


then i discover that the attachement folder contains numerous versions of the file - cabbage(1).doc, cabbage(2). doc etc and i dont know where I am in regards to the latest working document


I would like Evernote to save my file with its original name - without the appended version number


I must be doing something wrong - what?





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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you open your document from the note to which it is attached,  do you get the latest version?  The 'attachments' folder (in Windows at least) is a temporary folder where Evernote keeps a copy of the document you're working on until it gets saved back to the note.  If the icon in your note still shows the correct file name,  then that's the current name.  The (1), (2) etc suffixes are Windows way of keeping track of the different versions.  Don't worry about what's in that folder,  just work from the file/ icon in your notes.

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thanks gazumped

thanks for responding to me


prompted by you I had a closer look at what was going on



1.    I add a document/ note called cabbage.doc to a notebook


later i open that document to work on it and it opens as cabbage(1).doc

i save it

and open cabbage.doc again

it now opens as cabbage(2).doc - it does have the changes i made previously


ditto cabbage(s).doc


so it seems that everytime i open and edit the document, it saves in the 'attachments' folder as a new version, but (I now discover) cabbage.doc opens the lastest version (which is a relief).


but - the attachments folder is getting cluttered with these previous versions - they dont disappear when i close and open evernote, or quit it entirely and restart it.


(i have now worked out why this happens - i am closing evernote, before closing Word.

If i close Word first, then Word wipes clean the cabbage(1).doc version, and the next time i open the document/note cabbage.docit to edit, it opens up as cabbage(1).doc again - this time with the latest edits included)


difficulty solved!!


Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to me


one last question - can i delete all these old versions in 'attachments' without doing evernote an injury?


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I am relatively new to Evernote Premium.

My Issue: I open a Word document previously saved in Evernote called (say) cabbage.doc

I save it.

The next time I try to open it, I discover that the file I open 'cabbage.doc' is unchanged, but that Evernote has decided to save my document as cabbage(1).doc in the folder 'attachments'

then i discover that the attachement folder contains numerous versions of the file - cabbage(1).doc, cabbage(2). doc etc and i dont know where I am in regards to the latest working document

I would like Evernote to save my file with its original name - without the appended version number

I must be doing something wrong - what?


Be sure you are opening the document by double clicking the attachment icon that is inside the note. Do not open it by double clicking a doc file residing on your hard drive.


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