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(Archived) Some features I really miss

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Here are some features that I would love to see added to Evenote:

(1) ability to close (not delete) individual notebooks, and reopen them at any time

(2) ability to hide a selected subset of categories/tags to allow easier navigation thru the remaining ones

(3) ability to associate some categories with a specific notebook so that they will appear only in the notebook is opened

(4) links between categories so that one category could be linked and therefore be visible in several "master" categories

(5) more editing features - especially table inserts and formatting

(6) pre-defined styles to allow one to quickly change selected paragraphs style

(7) notes lists that can be sortable by and grouped into individual categories

Also I wanted to thank you for the wonderful product!

It already is of great help to me.



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  • 1 month later...

I like all the suggestions.

But the one I REALLY want is the ability to hide unused tags.

It's really difficult to navigate my entire list of tags, very cumbersome.

I have some Notebooks that only have about 3-5 tags in use, and some of those are near the bottom of the list.

So only seeing those 5 would be great!



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