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See Notebook and Notes in same pane

Xavier Cugat

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EN for Mac lets me expand Notebooks in the left panel and see the name of notes underneath. But, I'm not seeing the equivalent functionality in the Windows version.There, I have to keep two panels showing at all times… one for the notebooks and their stacks, and the other for notes. Am I missing something? As it is, I wonder why there is even a toggle to Show Notes List notes on and off when I don't see any way to access individual Notes without Notes List showing.

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  • Level 5*

The different Evernote clients are developed by different teams to take best advantage of the features of their respective hardware.  They do not necessarily duplicate each other's operation.  some differences in working process may be necessary...

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  • Level 5

In Windows, I run Evernote with the Vertical List View (Ctrl + Shift +F5). This maximizes the information I want to see.  The Vertical List View lets me see 38 note titles in one screen (Note List) along with the actual note content in the other screen (Note Panel).

Even though I have 30,000 notes, I use very few notebooks, so I keep the Left Panel closed 95% of the time.

If I need the Left Panel, I toggle it back on with F10.

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  • Level 5*

In Windows, I run Evernote with the Vertical List View (Ctrl + Shift +F5). This maximizes the information I want to see.  The Vertical List View lets me see 38 note titles in one screen (Note List) along with the actual note content in the other screen (Note Panel).

Even though I have 30,000 notes, I use very few notebooks, so I keep the Left Panel closed 95% of the time.

If I need the Left Panel, I toggle it back on with F10.




Gah, check your Activity notices, man! *twitches* ;)


EN for Mac lets me expand Notebooks in the left panel and see the name of notes underneath. But, I'm not seeing the equivalent functionality in the Windows version.There, I have to keep two panels showing at all times… one for the notebooks and their stacks, and the other for notes. Am I missing something? As it is, I wonder why there is even a toggle to Show Notes List notes on and off when I don't see any way to access individual Notes without Notes List showing.

Joking aside, my Windows and Mac setups are identical. I'm not sure what you're referring to? Could you provide a screenshot? Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to describe Evernote's layout with simple vocabulary :D

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 Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to describe Evernote's layout with simple vocabulary :D


That's Evernote's failure.  Some terms are presented on this page describing the Evernote Home Screen.  A full User Manual, including a complete glossary, is provided by all good software.  Were I a Coffee-mugger™, and not (according to Evernote) an "Alliance Lackey", I would make providing a manual, a glossary, and a thorough map of the UI a priority.  That these are not provided makes me wary of using the program, and prevents me from recommended it to others.


Here's what we see on the Mac:


The Evernote program window is divided into a title bar, a tool bar, and three frame-less panes:

 - the Sidebar

 - the Notes List

 - the Note Editor


Unlike every other Mac program I have ever used, the tool bar is not customizable.  Additionally, there are no "proxy icons" next to the window titles of either the program window or the document windows.  This, too, is unique afaik.


The Sidebar is divided into sections.  Which sections show is controlled via "View ▹ Sidebar Options ▹ …".  These sections should be thought of as built-in containers.  They are

 - Announcements

 - Shortcuts

 - Recent Notes

 - Notes

 - Notebooks

 - Tags

 - Atlas

 - Market

 - Premium


The Sidebar itself can be shown or hidden.  "View ▹ Hide {Show} Sidebar".


Announcements shows material, mostly sales and promotional, from Evernote.

Shortcuts shows items the user has dragged there.  These become links to those containers.

Recent Notes is straightforward.

Notes shows all the Notes in your database (Evernote is a database of objects called "Notes").

Notebooks shows all your Notebooks.  This view is used to create New Notebooks, and Stacks, (grouped Notebooks) and to do some Notebook administration.

Tags shows all your Tags.  Tags are assigned to Notes.

Atlas shows your notes on sections of a map.  The location of each note is saved (or not) in the Note's Location field.

Market brings up a Web page (afaict) of things Evernote wants you to buy.

Premium has almost no use whatsoever, but you will find a link to Evernote support here (assuming you have purchased a Premium subscription).


Notes List lists the Notes in the currently selected container. There is a top section that shows Notes with active Reminders.  This section can be expanded/collapsed via the disclosure triangle. There are five built-in Views of the Notes List.  They are:

 - Card

 - Expanded Card

 - Snippet

 - Side List

 - Top List


The Note Editor occupies the rest of the program window.  It does not show in Expanded Card View.


Side List View and Top List View present some of the Note's metadata in columns.  Nine preset metadata fields can be shown.  Right-click the column headers to select which metadata columns to show.  They are:

 - Author

 - Created {date}

 - Notebook {name}

 - Size

 - Source URL

 - Sync Status

 - Tags {assigned]

 - Title

 - Updated {date}


Notes can be sorted by any metadata column, ascending or descending.  Columns can be dragged to rearrange.


Notes can also be opened in their own document window ("Note ▹ Open Note in Separate Window").


You can open a second program window ("File ▹ New Evernote Window").


In general, the user selects a container in the Sidebar.  If the contents of that container are Notes, they are shown in the Notes List, and the contents of the selected Note in the Notes List is shown in the Note Editor. I find it helpful to keep in mind that Evernote is a database of my Notes.  The Sidebar lets me select containers, and the Notes List lets me select among Notes in the currently selected container.  If the contents of the container selected in the Sidebar are not Notes, Evernote presents a special viewer dedicated to the items in the container.


The Sidebar is a browser of containers of, mostly, Notes.  The Notes List is a browser of Notes.  The Note Editor is a viewer of a Note's contents.


There are almost no containers that allow expanding/collapsing in the Sidebar.  It is possible that the OP refers to a Stack in the Shortcuts section.  Stacks listed in Shortcuts can be expanded/collapsed by double-clicking.


(Posted early by mistake.  Many additions.)

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