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REQUEST: Evernote Archive



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We need an archive or hide option. Having to move notes around notebooks and accounts is an arduous method. It requires putting more effort into the note itself, when several users retain context by the current Notebook a note is in. Recreating a bunch of 'archive' notebooks is not a reasonable answer for the sake of wanting to hide a note from the list of active notes within a Notebook.

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There doesn't seem much interest in this request - the vote count is 0 (voting buttons are at the very top left corner of the discussion.

Did you see my !Archive tag process in the post above.

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As probably thousands of Evernote users, I have a separate notebook for each project (matching the corresponding project in Todoist). Once I finish a project, I can easily archive it in Todoist but in Evernote, there is nothing convenient. I can move the notebook in an "Archive" stack but that won't exclude the notes from searches and break my stack organization. I can go through all notes in the "Archive" stack and add the "archive" tag but this is error prone - imagine I miss one or I ever need a note from there and move it to an active project notebook, I still won't be able to find it because it will still have the "archive" tag on it.

A dedicated "Archived" checkbox on each notebook would be the solution to all our problems. Folks could then either create a dedicated "Archive" notebook, mark it as "Archived" and move all single notes they want to archive there, or, like me, archive whole notebooks once the corresponding project is done without moving them out of the stacks where they belong. Just like in Todoist,

  1. there would be a special "Archived" section in the left panel, showing all notebooks which were marked as "archived"
  2. in each stack, archived notebooks are not shown per default while having a notebook placeholder saying something like "show archived notebooks"
  3. per default, notes in archived notebooks are not shown in search results but each search result list ends with a link / button saying something like "search archived tasks ..."
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2 minutes ago, MrShlomo said:

A dedicated "Archived" checkbox on each notebook would be the solution to all our problems. Folks could then either create a dedicated "Archive" notebook, mark it as "Archived" and move all single notes they want to archive there, or, like me, archive whole notebooks once the corresponding project is done without moving them out of the stacks where they belong.

My preference is that archiving be specified at the note level.
I don't want to have to "move" my notes or notebooks anywhere.
No word from Evernote on an archiving feature - I use an !Archive tag so that I can exclude notes from searches.

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Workaround.  If you really don't want the closed projects in your search results, you could create a new free account in EN and ENEX export/import the notebook to the new account.  Might be some issues with nested tags in the new account, but if all you are looking for is a not often used archive, not too bad.  FWIW.

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OK, so there's a bit of a workaround to this problem that might help ease some of your issues, it just requires a more advanced search query. Here's what you could do:

Add a new tag called: archive (or name it whatever you'd like to call it, this tag will just act as a flag for our archived notes).

Now comes the search magic! Evernote has a feature built into its query system where you can exclude tags by using the following: -tag:TheTagIDontWantToSee  


So, if you would like to search for a particular tag without searching archived notes, you can structure a query similar to the one below and place it in the search bar within Evernote:

tag:whatevertagimsearcing -tag:archive


Also, if you'd rather search for a word or string instead of a tag, you could use the query below: 

-tag:archive String I'm searching


You could even tie it all together so that you could search a certain word or string, with a certain tag, that excludes the archive tag (see attached screenshot): 

tag:whatevertagimsearcing -tag:archive Hello World


There are lots of search options, I hope this helps you guys out!


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I'm in immediate need of this and having a tag or an appropriate mechanism that hides content/notes/notebooks would be very much appreciated, esp when we want less clutter in our Evernote workspace and also for personal privacy reasons esp. when you have your laptop opened, with folks sitting or gathered around you in a meeting or social interactive setting like a workshop, etc. There are some notes & notebooks that I have that are personal and I don't want sticky beaks leaning over to see what I have, as in personal goals for the year and so on.

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I use an archive tag to exclude notes from my saved searches.

If it was a big concern, you might want to open another account and move those NSFS notes there.

NSFS = Not Safe For Sharing

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+1 with a twist: 

I would love to have an auto-archive... or an expiration-date for notes.  For example, if I take a photo of my airport parking location , I'd like it to auto-expire a few days after I get back from my trip.  -OR- if I create a note from shipping details, I'd like it to auto-expire after my shipment arrives... etc. 

Anyone else?

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This really is important to me. I've been a premium user for over  5 years now and my Evernote note collection is just getting too large and cumbersome but I don't want to delete. Sadly I'm considering moving fully over to OneNote now which I have been using alongside Evernote to try to manage the quantity of notes. It is much easier to archive OneNote notebooks. I'm really disappointed Evernote still haven't tackled this - there must be many of us older users whose Evernote collections are in desperate need of a dedicated archiving tool.

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On 21/06/2016 at 3:39 AM, Paul Carter said:

+1 with a twist: 

I would love to have an auto-archive... or an expiration-date for notes.  For example, if I take a photo of my airport parking location , I'd like it to auto-expire a few days after I get back from my trip.  -OR- if I create a note from shipping details, I'd like it to auto-expire after my shipment arrives... etc. 

Anyone else?

Hi.  If you wish to raise a suggestion for a new feature or a change to the present actions or content,  the best place to do so is in the Feedback page for your main OS.

It's accepted that if a feature is adopted for one device,  it will - eventually - make its way to all of them;  but short term if you want something new in Windows (for example) suggest it there, and you might get lucky.  Votes from others who want the same thing will help make it more likely.

Bear in mind that some simple changes may already be in a pipeline somewhere,  so you'll see results quickly.  Others,  although the change is small,  may require major rewrites of something fundamental before they can be implemented - the recent and continuing Editor changes for example have been running for at least 2 years.

You'll probably get plenty of suggestions for 'work-arounds' and some of us will have different ways to get to the same(ish) result.  None of that is suggesting that your suggestion won't be implemented - just that Evernote has the reaction speed of an Oil Tanker when it comes to braking and hard turns,  so you might have to wait for a while before your brilliant idea is actually available...

You'll need to post your ideas in one of these -



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7 hours ago, Michael Allen said:

there must be many of us older users whose Evernote collections are in desperate need of a dedicated archiving tool.

Not to be contrarian, but I'm a longer term user who is not in desperate need of an archiving tool.  May just be my primary use cases of paperless, documentation, task/project management, things of interest which means I don't need it, I suppose.  I can see why others would want it, just not essential to me.  IAC, easy enough for me to modify a search to exclude unwanted stuff, if need be.  Just a different view.

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I take the laid back Curationer approach.  I search for stuff I want,  changing search terms and tags/ titles/ keywords until my search gives me a close enough match.  If in course of that I see duplicate or old notes,  I may kill them,  tag 'archive',  or export to ENEX or another basic account.  Depends on how awake and enthusiastic I am at the time.  Unless Evernote is giving me capacity or speed problems (touch wood,  it's not..) I see no point in spending energy keeping it looking pretty.  As long as it does the job...


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On 6/22/2016 at 2:41 AM, Michael Allen said:

This really is important to me. I've been a premium user for over  5 years now and my Evernote note collection is just getting too large and cumbersome but I don't want to delete.

If by "large and cumbersome" you mean that your search results, and/or when browsing Notebooks/tags, too many "old" Notes show up that are not relevant to your use today in Evernote, then there are several options for excluding these "old" notes from view:

  1. Tag the "old" notes with "Archive", and include -tag:Archive in your searches
    1. This is probably the easiest method
    2. It works for searches, but not for viewing a Notebook or Stack because the tag filter does note support the exclude option
    3. This was suggested above, and many times elsewhere
  2. Move the "old" notes to a Notebook named "Archive", or a notebook in a stack named "Archive_Stack"
    1. This may or may not work for you, depending on your current Evernote organization, and your willingness to change
    2. Note that the shortcuts used below are for EN Mac, but there are EN Win equivalents
    3. I use tags as my primary organizational tool, using a method I call pseudo Notebooks.
    4. Setup:  I have the following stack and notebook setup in my account, and it works great for me:
      • ACTIVE_STACK   (a Stack to contain all of my active NBs
        • Active  (main NB for active notes)
        • Inbox   (my default NB, which is generally empty after daily processing)
        • InWork  (for Notes that I am actively working on, changing daily)
        • Mobile_Offline
        • (other NBs that I share)
        • (You could, of course, put as many NBs in this stack as you like.  So if you  prefer to use a lot of NBs, this will still work for you)
      • ARCHIVE_STACK   (a Stack to contain all my archive NBs)
        • Archive  (main NB for archived notes)
        • (other NBs that are no longer active)
    5. Search:  So, if I want to limit a search to my active notes, I just include Stack:ACTIVE_STACK
      • To make this easy to use, I have a saved search named "!  ACTIVE STACK"
      • I just select this saved search, and add whatever other search terms I want
      • I can do the same with the "Active" notebook, i.e., notebook:Active
    6. Browse:  In the Left Sidebar, click on "ACTIVE_STACK" to filter all notes for that stack
      • I can then easily browse my active notes
      • Or, I can add tag filters to this by pressing ⌘⇧J to "jump" to the Tag Filter, where I can add as many tags using auto-complete as I need
      • In both EN Mac and EN Win, there is now a shortcut to select and filter a specific Stack or Notebook
    7. Include Archive:  If I want to include my archived notes in a search on or viewing, well I can, of course, just select "All Notes" or press ⌘⇧A
    8. Archive Only:  If I want to limit my search or view to archived Notes, then I use the same procedures as in Steps #3 and #4, but use the "ARCHIVE_STACK" instead.

I really like method #2 because it makes it easy to:

  • Exclude old archived notes when I don't want them
  • But also very easy to include them when I do want them -- I don't have to go to some external source to search for them

OTOH, if your purpose for archiving is to backup or preserve these "old" notes, then that is a completely different subject/answer.  There are many threads on "backup", just do a search on "backup" to find them.

I hope this helps.  Please feel free to ask any questions, or challenge my method/setup.

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22 hours ago, Nyaze Vincent said:

I am just exporting my archives to XML and storing in Dropbox. Works right? 

I guess it depends on the purpose of your export.  If you have actually done this, then you tell us:  Does it work for your purpose?   And what is that purpose?

Exporting to ENEX and storing in DropBox is NOT a solution that I would normally recommend for archiving notes.  See my discussion above:


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22 hours ago, Nyaze Vincent said:


I am just exporting my archives to XML and storing in Dropbox. Works right? 


Why not html - at least they'd be readable 

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This is a logical feature and needed for a number of reasons. Having to include -!Archive to every search to exclude archived notes is a bit of jumping through hoops for something that should be fairly easy and obvious, and useful to many users in a number of use cases. If you use EverNote for Project Management at all, it's really a necessity for closed-out projects.

I'd attribute the vote count being low because there are so many separate threads asking for an Archive Note and / or Archive Notebook feature.

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I'd love to have the ability to archive my note books. Trash, unfortunately, deletes all evidence of the notebook itself but does "archive" the notes until you delete them. 

My best alternative at present time is to have a stack titled "Archived Notebooks" but the material comes up in my searches and clutters things. I know I could just put them in the trash and add a tag of its original notebook, but it's very disconcerting to put them there... call me crazy >.<

Maybe just have the option to keep the notebook WHOLE when you send it to trash? 

Anything to keep the notebook kinda frozen in time, out of sight–out of search!

Thanks so much!

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22 hours ago, KyleB1013 said:

I'd love to have the ability to archive my note books. Trash, unfortunately, deletes all evidence of the notebook itself but does "archive" the notes until you delete them. 

My best alternative at present time is to have a stack titled "Archived Notebooks" but the material comes up in my searches and clutters things. I know I could just put them in the trash and add a tag of its original notebook, but it's very disconcerting to put them there... call me crazy >.<

Maybe just have the option to keep the notebook WHOLE when you send it to trash? 

Anything to keep the notebook kinda frozen in time, out of sight–out of search!

Thanks so much!

You could export it then delete it. The export file is XML, so in a pinch, you could open in a text editor to scan for info, or if you really needed something from it, just import it back into Evernote.

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23 hours ago, KyleB1013 said:

My best alternative at present time is to have a stack titled "Archived Notebooks" but the material comes up in my searches and clutters things. I know I could just put them in the trash and add a tag of its original notebook, but it's very disconcerting to put them there... call me crazy >.<

One option is to put the rest of your notebooks in a different stack and use that stack as your main search context, though this is not practical if those notebooks are already in stacks.  Another option that some use is to add a tag Archived to the archived notes and then add -tag:Archived to searches when you get too much noise.  Using a text expander like PhraseExpress to create a hotkey to add the text can make this somewhat painless.

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On 8/12/2016 at 3:23 PM, EdH said:

You could export it then delete it. The export file is XML, so in a pinch, you could open in a text editor to scan for info, or if you really needed something from it, just import it back into Evernote.

This would be my recommendation as well. For steps on how to export your notes as backup .enex files, please see the following support article:

How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks

I hope that helps!

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This would be extremely helpful. I have a great many notebook stacks that I don't want to delete but are Archive material that I rarely search. But I certainly don't want to have to export them and then re-import them to access, nor have to send them to a second account with limitations or pay for two accounts. Basically I want to EXCLUDE them from searches. Obviously I can do that with the "-" tag or a context search within a stack but it's an extra step. There should be a way to designate a stack as "exclude from searches" unless you include a special search key to INCLUDE the Archived notebooks.

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I am also looking for exactly this feature.  The longer I use Evernote, the more I need this to continue to have it to be a productive tool for me.  I have too much clutter in my notebooks but occasionally want the ability to search everything I have ever entered.  This is even more important with paid accounts as its not as easy as just creating another account for archived information.

If I could make a note or entire stack as archived.  When archived, the note does not appear in the left panel or any searches.  There would be new options to "Show Archived" for the left panel or "archived:" in search to include archived notes.  With this method, I don't need separate stacks, exports, or any of the other workarounds which really don't solve the problem.

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2 hours ago, #pacman said:

I am also looking for exactly this feature.  The longer I use Evernote, the more I need this to continue to have it to be a productive tool for me.  I have too much clutter in my notebooks but occasionally want the ability to search everything I have ever entered.  This is even more important with paid accounts as its not as easy as just creating another account for archived information.

If I could make a note or entire stack as archived.  When archived, the note does not appear in the left panel or any searches.  There would be new options to "Show Archived" for the left panel or "archived:" in search to include archived notes.  With this method, I don't need separate stacks, exports, or any of the other workarounds which really don't solve the problem.

The -tag:archive in the search will do this easily.

What you propose will make it more cumbersome to do a full search of notes and probably increase the support calls to Evernote for people that would archive stuff then wonder why it didn't show up in search results.

Moving everything to an archive notebook or stack of archived notebooks and adding the "archive" tag to all of them solves this. Just include -tag:archive in your searches.

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Still it would be great to have some dedicated buttons etc in the GUI. 

Most users are not powerusers, and the "tagging" feature has many problems in understanding it for many of the more basic users, those many threads on tagging shows this clearly i think.

Many todays "digital natives" are happy, when they can use app stores, know how "swiping" on their phone works, and run into problems with everything, that goes beyond the superficial GUI of an App. Either you take them by the hand, and help them use the full potential of your product, or they will either not be happy to pay you, or pay and then turn away disappointed. 

Studys show GUI design is one of, maybe THE most important factor for the success of an App, even for more advanced users. Most ppl dont know Googles search operators, why should the know ENs? They most likely have not the first clue, that such things exist. 

You improve the GUI for this majority of possible customers, you can only win. Or you accept a focus on power users, and loose most other user bases, like M$ now seems to do. I think there is no reason not to combine both sides. An understandable UI even for not tech interested ppl with no need for cryptic seeming commands AND the potential power and config options for us with a more complex workflow which is often grown over many years. 

Most ppl hated DOS and hate CMD, why should they see search operators, which need to be learned before, as a vitale option for their workflow.. 
Just like with Linux: For most ppl (Not for all power users, yes) this would be a great and good working option. Often better as with Windows.

But the subtle fear, that sometimes there could be the challange of typing into a command promt, keeps them on distance, and with M$. 

Again, seemigly small things end up much bigger then thought before.


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The important issue for Evernote to recognize is that adding an archive feature relieves the user of the need to specify every single damned time that one wishes the archived notes excluded.

Everything else is a time-consuming workaround.


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3 hours ago, TdeV said:

Everything else is a time-consuming workaround.

Not sure that the PhraseExpress workaround is necessarily time consuming as it is just a hot key, to each his own.  But a workaround indeed it is.

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On 2016-11-11 at 7:23 PM, TdeV said:

The important issue for Evernote to recognize is that adding an archive feature relieves the user of the need to specify every single damned time that one wishes the archived notes excluded.

Everything else is a time-consuming workaround.

Still not built in, but less time consuming:

  • As per @csihilling, make use of a text expansion utility
  • I also use keyboard text replacement (built into Mac and iPad).  I just type "-a,,"
  • My main searches are saved as shortcuts so the archive entry is already included


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BREAKING NEWS : Evernote doesn't give a f*** about our discussions. As Evernote Premium and daily user, I'm feeling the tool is becoming old, lacking new functionalities, and not being significantly improved.

Personally, I am searching for a new daily companion for collecting and working. Maybe two tools, like OneNote or GoogleDrive + Omnifocus. Switch is coming.

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18 minutes ago, cedricm said:

BREAKING NEWS : Evernote doesn't give a f*** about our discussions. As Evernote Premium and daily user, I'm feeling the tool is becoming old, lacking new functionalities, and not being significantly improved.

Personally, I am searching for a new daily companion for collecting and working. Maybe two tools, like OneNote or GoogleDrive + Omnifocus. Switch is coming.

I have more than 6 years of data inside Evernote. Migrating is not something simple to do at this point.

Evernote should be the tool to collect my data for the next 10-20 years, but we need an archive solution.

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I couldn't agree more. I've been saying many of the same things for years. Many posts on this thread...emails to the company and to their new CEO about this...not a single response. Nada. One can easily see from the way this thread has evolved that they've lost their mojo, and are losing their users, and people, including me, are now looking for alternatives. 

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3 hours ago, patricksan said:

Would help a lot if people could VOTE for this one. We have 77 replies and only 6 votes. 

Sorry, just not that important for me; I feel Evernote has more important work that redesigning the system for archiving

fwiw  I archive my notes; been doing so for years.  I use an Archive tag; other solutions have been posted

7 hours ago, cedricm said:

Personally, I am searching for a new daily companion for collecting and working. Maybe two tools, like OneNote or GoogleDrive + Omnifocus. Switch is coming.


4 hours ago, tacobravo said:

including me, are now looking for alternatives. 

If a dedicated archive is the most important feature for you, you should switch to a different product.  Its a smart move.
Good bye, Good Luck

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I think it's important that archived notes mainly remain in the context of the notebook they were in. Every notebook then has a "archive".

And of course there is a archive view on app level for all archives.

Please forgive if this idea may already have been posted. 4 Sites is too much to read :X

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@Kater Louis, are you suggesting a notebook below every active notebook (stack) which is titled Archive? Will EN allow that? I understand that it would be very easy to make sure that all notes in the notebook have been tagged with "Archive".

If you don't mean that, then what do you mean?

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5 hours ago, Kater Louis said:

I think it's important that archived notes mainly remain in the context of the notebook they were in. Every notebook then has a "archive".

Isn't Archive a context?

I think you're pointing out a problem with using Notebooks to indicated "context"
Notebook A has context A
Notebook B has context B
Notebook C has context C
And now you're adding context "Archive"

What to do if a note has multiple contexts?

I use Tags to indicate context.  A note can have multiple tags

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Thanks for this post and the many replies. I recently brought the same suggestion up to a member of Evernote support. He encouraged me to post my feature request in this forum – what a joke ... @ Evernote-Team: Would you please listen to some of your most faithful users?

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6 hours ago, ENPowerUser said:

@ Evernote-Team: Would you please listen to some of your most faithful users?

Did you indicate your support by adding your vote? Voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion.

Currently, this request only shows 18 votes.

Personally, I'm satisfied using a tag to indicate archived notes and resolve the "non-searchable" request

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4 minutes ago, frogdude said:

And/or have a choice to have some notebooks as cloud only. If you have a large EN database, syncing back to a small SSD on a laptop can be less than satisfactory.

"Selective Sync" is a differnt topic from Archiving
You can go the discussion below and add your vote


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On 12/13/2015 at 1:05 PM, DTLow said:

I don't understand why you want a separate tagging system to flag your notes as Archived.

What is the problem with using the current system and using an Archive tag.

i don't want a separate tagging system. I want the notes to be removed from my main interface by default and placed in a separate "archive" space that is only searchable from within that separate space.  Right now, I have over 26,000 notes.  I use Evernote to store almost everything --  research materials, receipts, recipes, interesting articles, notes,  client projects, pictures of artwork, travel itineraries with printouts of web pages regarding places to go and things to see, tax returns and supporting documentation, continuing education materials and notes, seminar papers and notes, etc.  If I do a word search within the notes, I frequently get hundreds of notes that match the criteria for which I've searched.  If the system allowed me to archive notes (not simply tag them as "Archived" and then have to remember to exclude them), the search results would be much more manageable.  I've also found that Evernote frequently has problems syncing or the database is more prone to becoming corrupted where users have a larger number of notes stored in the database.  The only ways to remove old notes from the main, active workspace is to delete them altogether (which is not what I'm looking for) or to export them into a separate Evernote database file.  If I use the export option (which is currently the only way to archive files), I have to browse to that exported file, import it into Evernote, search for the information I need, then find and re-export the notes after I'm finished.  That process is entirely too cumbersome to be terribly useful except with notes I'm relatively sure I won't need to access again.  What I'm looking for is something similar to Outlook's archive files, where I can move emails into an archive file (or multiple archive files), the emails no longer show up in searches of my in box, but the archive folders are easily accessible (and searchable) from within Outlook by simply clicking on them in the list of archive folders.

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40 minutes ago, rwpritchett said:

i don't want a separate tagging system. I want the notes to be removed from my main interface by default and placed in a separate "archive" space that is only searchable from within that separate space. 

  1. I need to identify a note to be archived. This is what I meant by "tagging system"
    In the current system; alternatives are an actual tag, or move to a Notebook.
    I don't know how this can be done "by default"
    I don't understand the separate "archive" space
  2. I need to specify if a search should include/exclude archived items
    In the current system; the only alternative is a search parameter
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As a workaround, some folks create a second account, oftentimes Basic, and move their "archived' notes there.  Still easy to get at and synced across platforms, desktops work better than portable devices based on account switching.  Particularly if you want to control false positives and DB size.  FWIW.

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Per suggestions here, I have removed the "All Notes" button, and now have a Shortcut at the top of the list which excludes the tag "Archive".

The problem I have is the same problem @rwpritchett has, which is that BY DEFAULT Evernote cannot be set to exclude the tag "Archive". It used to be that Search had two choices: the whole database or "within the current search". If that feature returned, it would solve all my problems because I use the Shortcut to look at all notes, and so searches using that Shortcut would exclude tag "Archive".

However, while I use Evernote every day, I do not use Evernote search enough to have memorized all the keyboard keystrokes, etc. So I have to look up how to do this every gol dern time.

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27 minutes ago, TdeV said:

The problem I have is the same problem @rwpritchett has, which is that BY DEFAULT Evernote cannot be set to exclude the tag "Archive".

Yes - its a pain to have to include this in every search

With saved searches, its a one time thing
but fwiw  I use a keyboard shortcut so I don't have to type the entire search term

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32 minutes ago, TdeV said:

It used to be that Search had two choices: the whole database or "within the current search". If that feature returned,

It still kind of exists whether the Clear context on search option is checked or not.  If not checked search performs basically within current context.

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I think it's fairly clear that despite the workarounds proposed, the use case for Archived notes is rock-solid. Don't workarounds generally suck, and annoy the user each time he/she uses one?

The primary benefit of the feature (for this user anyway) would be a less cluttered default view, but faster search (assuming default search would exclude Archived notes) would be a collateral benefit. Another (obvious) use case: if one used Evernote to satisfy IRS requirements for document retention, you simply want such stuff stored securely, but you don't want or need to see it...hopefully ever! 

Would some users prefer a more benign name for the requested feature/functionality, e.g. "Hidden" notes?

I'm not a software developer, but implementation of the feature would seem dead simple: a button could be added to the New Note window (e.g. next to the Reminder button) to select the Archive/Hide feature--it would be OFF by default. In turn the main view would exclude Archived/Hidden notes be default. 

What could be simpler? (...asked the ignorant user...)

Users:Please Vote!

Evernote Dev Team: please listen...and Act!

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1 hour ago, dloebs said:

I'm not a software developer, but implementation of the feature would seem dead simple: a button could be added to the New Note window (e.g. next to the Reminder button) to select the Archive/Hide feature--it would be OFF by default. In turn the main view would exclude Archived/Hidden notes be default. 

Currently, I have to address this on two sides
As you said, a button on the note for Archive
I'd also need a button to indicate when Archived notes are hidden or displayed
for example searches

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The latest Windows beta features a kind of selective sync where old notes are kept on the server and not downloaded to the device except when specifically requested.  Beta testers are still working out the implications of this,  but it looks like this might be one area where the feature could be useful...


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23 hours ago, faruk.kutlu said:

Archiving is a must have feature to avoid clutter in the current workspace.

Not sure what "clutter" you're trying to solve
I use a !Archive tag and search to remove archived notes from my note lists

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18 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Not sure what "clutter" you're trying to solve
I use a !Archive tag and search to remove archived notes from my note lists

Clutter for me means content that you want to retain but you do not want visible - just like clutter in a physical sense.

The tag method therefore doesn't work the same way an archive function would.

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1 minute ago, nofrills said:

The tag method therefore doesn't work the same way an archive function would.

I think the result would be the same - archived notes not visible

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Just now, DTLow said:

I think the result would be the same - archived notes not visible

There are many ways to skin a cat - archive functionality works differently depending on the software / application.

Preferably it would be searchable and accessible but not immediately visible within my existing notes and notebooks - keeping my non-archived fresh notes clutter free.

When I tag something I can still see it.

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1 minute ago, nofrills said:

\When I tag something I can still see it.

In my search box I usually have   -tag:!Archived
I can remove it if I want to see archived notes

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9 minutes ago, nofrills said:

I like Evernote, I hope they are agile enough to incorporate a design which doesn't require users to enable a workaround for an archive feature.

I could see it being done
- an button on the note panel to indicate Achive
- a button on the main page to indicate Ignore Archive
and replicate the function to all platforms

Users can add their vote to indicate support for the Request (voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion)

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8 minutes ago, DTLow said:

In my search box I usually have   -tag:!Archived
I can remove it if I want to see archived notes

Manually marking thousands of notes with the "archive" tag, then removing thousands of existing tags to avoid the clutter, and using a single tag for all notes in the archive is making good sense !

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1 minute ago, faruk.kutlu said:

then removing thousands of existing tags to avoid the clutter

I was addressing archiving notes

My solution to archiving tags was rename and prefix with an x.  They're still visible, but at least they're at the bottom of the list

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

I was addressing archiving notes

My solution to archiving tags was rename and prefix with an x.  They're still visible, but at least they're at the bottom of the list

I am also addressing archiving notes.

I meant "archive" is not usable without tags.

Archiving tags may not be needed at least in my case since I don't use tags in a way that will be used for a short time.

I have a few hundreds of tags and many of them are used for tens to hundreds of times.

Instead I try to put archived notes under separate stacks but that doesn't leave them out of search results and with every search leaving them out of search results via search parameters is not a feasible way.

Edited by faruk.kutlu
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49 minutes ago, faruk.kutlu said:

Instead I try to put archived notes under separate stacks but that doesn't leave them out of search results and with every search leaving them out of search results via search parameters is not a feasible way.

I don't want to "put" my archive notes anywhere.  They are fine where they are.

My objective is a method to include/exclude them from view

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47 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I don't want to "put" my archive notes anywhere.  They are fine where they are.

My objective is a method to include/exclude them from view

Normally I don't want to change the stack or notebook to archive my notes.

It is just a workaround and another ineffective way of avoiding the clutter.

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6 hours ago, Paul Carter said:Is there a way to create a preset filtered view that has this criteria built-in?  That would be helpful. 

No preset filter views delivered with Evernote

For my tag workaround, I have the filter in my shortcuts, and a keyboard shortcut to type in the searchbox

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6 hours ago, Paul Carter said:

Is there a way to create a preset filtered view that has this criteria built-in?  That would be helpful. 

What criterion? You can create saved searches that encapsulate most search filters...

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My sense is that what we are calling "archiving"--most people just want a tag that hides notes and excludes them from views. You can toggle the search on and off to include or not include hidden tags. This seems like it would be simple to implement and it would satisfy most of the requests that have been stated here. Technically its not the same as archiving, but I appreciate having all of my notes in one place...I don't want separate files like with OneNote. I just need better control over the volume of the notes that I have. It seems like many, many people are having this problem and it still does not appear, after several years, that Evernote is listening. 

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24 minutes ago, tacobravo said:

My sense is that what we are calling "archiving"--most people just want a tag that hides notes and excludes them from views. You can toggle the search on and off to include or not include hidden tags.

I think that's what the request is about; at least that's why I added my vote

I'm happy with a tag, but I think people really want an archive/hide toggle on the note

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1 hour ago, tacobravo said:

My sense is that what we are calling "archiving"--most people just want a tag that hides notes and excludes them from views.

Or a "button" which denotes an archived note and another "button" which says include the archived notes in the search or not.

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38 minutes ago, Jordan P said:

+1 am I really supposed to scroll through all of my old notebooks every time I use Scannable?

Er,  why would you need to exactly?  This thread is about searching in the Evernote app...

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1 hour ago, Jordan P said:

am I really supposed to scroll through all of my old notebooks every time I use Scannable?

Everytime I use Scannable, my scans are stored in my default Notebook (@Inbox)

Later, I process my @Inbox, assigning notebooks/tags/titles

I'm not a big Notebook user, but I would prefix archived notebooks with "x" so they to  the bottom out of the way

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1 hour ago, faruk.kutlu said:

There is still no progress in this topic. Soon my mini tablet will go out of space and I will have to uninstall Evernote permanently. I am not going to use mobile web browser to use Evernote on mobile.

I thought Window user's had a temporary solution with "Demand Sync".  Its not as good as "Selective Sync" but will buy some time until a better solution is implemented.  

The mobile platforms have always had Offline Notebooks, so storage space isn't an issue for them


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This thread has been alive for almost two years. NEVER ONCE has anyone from Evernote chimed in. OneNote is looking better every minute. I watched the overview video and it looks pretty solid--considerably better than the last time I used OneNote which was nearly ten years ago. 

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4 minutes ago, tacobravo said:

NEVER ONCE has anyone from Evernote chimed in

To say what exactly?  Evernote don't (usually) comment on what they may,  or may not,  be working on - and only once to my knowledge have they forecast a release date..  only to miss that (legal complications) and get buried under the complaints about the feature being late.  I doubt they're keen to go there again.  And on the principle of 'never say never' they're not going to pop up and say "we have no plans to do that,  ever..."

If you have the entirety of your Evernote experience solely on your mini tablet,  then you're in severe danger (IMHO) of losing everything anyway.  Two of Evernote's main advantages are: having on online backup of everything,  and access from other platforms.  If you do sync your experience with Evernote's servers,  then the easy answer is to create an 'archive' notebook (or stack) and move your non-current stuff in there.

Adopt the latest beta with "on demand sync" and enable that option on your tablet.  I've got it running on one laptop and reduced a 17GB database to 300MB,  so you should save some serious space.  Exclude your archive notes from searches (worst case: tag 'em all with 'archive' and search <your search term(s) -tag:archive>) and enjoy the quiet life.

If you want to try out OneNote of course,  be my guest - it's interesting though that some of the recent queries I've had have been "how do I import OneNote notes into Evernote...?"

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50 minutes ago, tacobravo said:

This thread has been alive for almost two years. NEVER ONCE has anyone from Evernote chimed in.

This is a user discussion forum, and solutions have been presented to "archive" or "hide" the old stuff.  I use an Archive tag

Not sure why you need Evernote chiming in; they have not indicated any interest in archiving beyond the featureset in the delivered product. 

>>OneNote is looking better every minute

Not to me.  I have not seen a product that does a better job of storing my data

However ymmv, Good Bye and Good Luck

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On 2017-03-20 at 0:36 PM, pavansingh said:

Yup, definitely need the archive features since my notebooks are project based and once it is done, I don't need it to show up in notebook options.

This request is more for notes than notebooks
A workaround - move your notebook to a a stack named Archive
I'd also prefix the notebook name with an "x" so it sorts to the bottom of the list

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8 hours ago, DTLow said:

This request is more for notes than notebooks
A workaround - move your notebook to a a stack named Archive
I'd also prefix the notebook name with an "x" so it sorts to the bottom of the list


On 3/20/2017 at 10:36 PM, pavansingh said:

Yup, definitely need the archive features since my notebooks are project based and once it is done, I don't need it to show up in notebook options.

This request is nothing about notes. It is about Notebooks. The request is the same as folders in sync with Google Drive and Dropbox.

I sync just a few folders with my Google Drive and I did the same with Dropbox as well. Why should I sync everything on my Evernote if I need just the current files that I work on? Who needs to sync many GB of archived files to every device or OS instead of active notebooks that they work on? If Evernote allowed selective sync and optionally searching in archive no one would sync everything to every device and OS they use. I don't need my client's Notebooks that I finished working on 10 years ago on my mobile devices. On my Ubuntu I use Whatever a third party online Evernote client instead of Evernote Desktop running with Wine.

I removed Evernote from my mini tablet completely because of lacking this feature. Hopefully I will not have to do the same on my mobile as well.

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Archiving of gmail is a perfect example - simple click of a button and the information doesn't clog up your folders and active email.  Yes there are workarounds, but this is an enhancement request.

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On 2/16/2017 at 9:26 PM, fredhammersmith said:

But at almost 22K notes, the lack of a real archiving functionality is really showing.

Just to wake this up a bit, I have an Archive stack with notebooks within it which are not in general use but I need access to them from time to time.  This works well for me.  But I also have other stacks for other purposes, and now I want to archive a stack.  In other words, I want to archive the notebooks within the stack (move them into Archive, right?) but I want to keep their relationship with one another, so keep them in their stack.  But you can't stack within stacks.  Fredhammersmith, at 25k+ notes, I am not in your league, but I feel your pain.

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