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TAGs not syncing

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We are currently a 2-member Business user before we roll it across our whole team. So far, the experience has been a nightmare with various sync issues. Now the TAG issue is being 'worked on' by the support team. Different TAGs show up on web version in different accounts and not all the TAGs as they should show.


I can't believe the case studies of companies like Mailchimp using EN without any problems. We're now pretty close to throwing in the towel and moving on to something which works.


A very disappointed and frustrated EN Business user.

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It would be interesting if you could share you replies from EN Support.


I am also testing a 2 man installation which could grow to 20 and my frustrations are growing, I share the issues you have, sync issues and reliability are the biggest issues for me.


OneNote might have to be evaluated soon.

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