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Note Link In Presentation Mode

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When clicking on a Note Link in Presentation mode you should be able to go back to the previous note by pressing the right arrow key. However, this feature does not work for me. When I click on a note link in presentation mode the attachment ScreenClip[1].jpg is what shows at the bottom of the screen.


When I press the right arrow nothing happens. In order to get back to my previous note I have to press Esc and manually go back to the previous note and start the presentation over. Overall I like the presentation mode but this really makes the Note Links useless if you can't go back to your previous note.


One other thing is that I thought you should be able to open attachments in a presentation, but I could be wrong about that. I am unable to click on a Microsoft Word attachment to open it from presenation mode. As you can see in attachment ScreenClip[2].jpg the word document attachment is greyed out and unclickable.




Windows 7

Evernote (271446) Prerelease



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering if anyone has time to go over this request. I am planning on using Evernote's presentation mode for my final presentation in Linux class and it would be great to know if I am doing something wrong or if these features need to be fixed. Thanks in advance :)

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  • 3 months later...
  • Level 5*

Hey all,

If you press "ctrl+[" or hover in the upper left of you presentation and press the arrow you will be taken back to your previous note.



I'm not sure if I missed this back in April or if this was added recently but the back arrow if very clearly there.  Thanks for getting back to us.

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem as the original post. 

I cannot open any MS office attachments in the presentation mode. They all grayed out. I am serious considering upgrade to premium since the presentation mode looks fantastic. But the claim that it can open any attachments in presentation mode just doesn't work even for MS office documents, slides, and spreadsheets. How to resolve this problem? Thank you. 


PS: I'm using windows EverNote for desktop. 


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JenT upgrading to Premium will not solve your issue...I am premium user and cannot access Office docs in Presentation like you. I posted a question last week and was told it will be coming soon to Windows. Currently I use IPAD for presentations since office doc links do work on IPAD. Not ideal but works

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I think you need to update your desktop client, since you can now open documents in their native apps on Windows desktop over presentation mode. 

Go to "Help" > "Check for Updates". It has been available since yesterday/ today.


There was an upgrade to presentation mode (including desktop) along with the Context feature (Premium) and Work Chat.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

same issue - not solved yet. EN 5.9.6 Premium. This really needs addressing by Evernote. I find presentation mode very useful but this lack of features puts me off!! PLEASE SOLVE!! 


I use note links and when I click on the link within the presentation mode, the note opens, but there is no way of going back to the original note. 

P.S. it works fine if I have pictures in the presenting note and I can open documents outside the presentation mode (from the presentation mode). 

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